8: I married the man i fell in love with, not the man he turned into.

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A/N time skip. This is the day before/the day Draco must kill Dumbledore

"Stupid boy" I froze, my heart stopping. "Stupid, stupid boy". I was coated in darkness. Like a blanket only, less comforting. I couldn't move, It was as though someone was killing me slowly. That's my fear I guess. Dying a slow and painful death. Oh wait I'm scared of what's happening to me. You see it's the thoughts that's the problem. It's not even my voice, it's more of a hissing sort of voice, like He who must not be named. 

My father and mostly everyone else in the house calls him by the name, the name that haunts my dreams and hisses at me whilst I'm awake. I can't get away from it.

"Get up! Get up you useless, lazy, disgusting excuse of a son" although I cannot move my body, I felt something slam against my side. "Wake up you blood traitor" his fathers voice hissed, getting louder. Suddenly I felt something else hit me. The pain was dreadful. I forced my eyes open and looked around. My eyes widening as I saw my father standing above me, his breath smelt strongly of alcohol. You see he's a alcoholic, I wouldn't mind it if he didn't get so abusive. To say my mother is scared of him is a understatement, she is terrified of the man she married.

"Draco we must leave" The memory of his mother crying in her room came to mind. My mothers fear of him had gotten worse so she moved to one of the many guest rooms. She would refuse to leave, id have to go in her room and practically force-feed her. She would throw up afterwards. I would have to call in a healer but they couldn't do much. "Please,please help her" I pleaded, tears rapidly falling down my pale cheeks. "She won't come out of her room and she won't eat!" I wiped some of my tears and the healer gave me a sympathetic look. "She's getting skinny. She lost 5 stone. She's scared, scared of my father" I said calmly.
"Well the only thing I can do is send her to Saint Mungo's but then again we could get her a personal healer" the healer said as he passed me a tissue. "It cost a awful load of money though"
"I'll pay anything. I want my mother back" I pleaded and I opened the door to my mothers room and walked up to her bed. "D-Draco" My mother stuttered. My eyes widened and a single tear slipped down my face. It was the first thing she'd said in at least four months. "D-Draco I-I need t-to l-leave" she stuttered as she held my close.
"I'll stay anywhere. Away from here would be good" I looked up at my mother and she kissed my forehead. "I'm very ill and I need professional help, If you hadn't realised I married the man i fell in love with, not the man he turned into." I cried at her words and she rubbed my back soothingly.

I felt something hit my stomach, ripping me away from my thoughts. "Did you even listen? You stupid boy! It's all your fault! You drove you mother mad. You made her leave. You faggot" I screamed as I felt something digging into my arm. "You deserve it you disgusting child" my aunt cackled as she dug her knife into my arm. I looked over and saw the words 'blood traitor' written in my own blood on my arm. I let out a shrill scream and sat up.

My head drenched in sweat, I noticed that I was no longer in my manor I was in the Slytherin dormitories and for once I was happy to see the dark green curtains that lay around my bed. "Draco are you okay?" I heard the familiar voice of Blaise Zabini come from next to me. I look to my right and saw his sitting on my bed, looking concerned, his wand lit up in his hand.

"What do you think?" I snapped as I clutched my burning arm.
"It was that dream again wasn't it?" Zabini said and I nodded. "Look it happened, gone dusted! Tell yourself that" zabini said as he got up. "It's five- thirty four, I'm going down to the common room, we have the day of from lessons. Apparently some attack on some forth year, poor thing. Apparently we aren't allowed to lessons" Zabini was nice, but hid it well. He was only nice to pansy and myself.

"It's crazy how different you are" I laughed as he nodded and got up. "I'll meet you down there" I nodded and got up, slid on my robes and walked down to the toilets. Moaning myrtles obviously. I'm the only one that goes here, I come down when I have one of these stupid dreams about my mother and father. It was all true though, what I see.

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