9: Falling

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Draco watched as harry left the astronomy tower. He wasn't going to do it. He let silent tears run down his pale, ill looking face. "He's lying! He's lying so he can keep dumbledore. He doesn't love you. Who would love you?" a voice hissed through his ears. " Go away, go away, go away" Malfoy yelled as tears streamed down his sunken in face.

TIME SKIP (harry and dumbledore are back from getting the 'horcrux')

"We need to get you to the hospital, you need to see Madame pomfrey sir" harry breathed heavily as he helped dumbledore walk. "No harry. Severus, Severus is who I need tell hi what happened" dumbledore said as harry walked his over to the closest thing to sit on. Harry was confused but went along with it. "Speak to no one else; Severus harry" dumbledore continued and harry nodded and left frantically.
Suddenly there was a noise, showing that someone was coming. "Hide yourself harry" dumbledore said as He got up from the step that he was sitting on. "Don't speak or be seen by anyone without my permission" he ordered and harry nodded "whatever happens it's imperative that you stay below. Harry do as I say"Harry knew that something was up. "Trust me; trust me" he said and harry nodded and ran down the nearest set of stairs. As he got down them he watched curiously as Draco Malfoy walked up the stairs.

Draco walked up the stairs and aimed his wand at the old man standing opposite him. "Good evening Draco" Dumbledore said and Draco kept his wand aimed at Dumbledore. "What brings you here on this fine spring evening?" Dumbledore walked around so he could properly see the boy who had stolen Harry's heart. "Who else is here? I heard you talking" Draco tried to look angry or annoyed but it failed miserably. "I often talk aloud to myself. I find it extraordinarily useful; have you been whispering to yourself lately Draco?" Dumbledore asked and Draco shot Dumbledore a confused look.
"Draco you are no assassin" Dumbledore said.
"How do you know what I am? I've done things that would shock you" harry closed his eyes and tried to block what was happening above out. The boy who harry had kissed not that long ago was going to kill Dumbledore. "Like kiss harry? He loves you Draco. Do you love him? If you did you wouldn't do this" Dumbledore said and dracos eyes widened. "He loves me?" Draco almost cried but kept himself together. "You gave Katie bell a cursed necklace hoping that she'd give it to me, then you replaced a drink with something laced with poison hoping that I'd get that one too. I feel as though your heart really was in this" Dumbledore said and Draco whimpered. 

"He trusts me! I was chosen" Draco then pulled up his sleeve and Dumbledore wasn't shocked by the mark on the pale boys arm. Harry let out a few tears. "I should make it easy for you" Dumbledore raised his arms and Draco whispered "expelliarmus" and the old mans wand flew to the floor. Harry raised his wand and aimed it through the floorboards at Draco.
"Draco; draco. Your not alone" the door opened, "there are others" Draco didn't want them here. He was chosen. He was to kill Dumbledore. "How?"
"The vanishing cabinet in the room of requirement" Draco rushed out. "I've been mending it"
"It has a sister, a twin" Dumbledore said. "In borgin and burkes they form a passage" Draco spat.
"Ingenious! Draco years ago I knew a boy who made all the wrong choices; please let me help you" Dumbledore said and Draco knew immediately who he was talking about
"I don't want your help! Don't you understand? I have to kill you! Or he'll kill me" Draco cried angrily. Suddenly there was the sound of footsteps then a few death eaters appeared. "Ah look what we've got here" bellatrix laughed.
"Well done Draco" She whispered in his ear. 'I can't do it, I'm hurting him! I'm hurting harry' Draco thought. He knew he was nearby.
"Good evening bellatrix" Dumbledore said. there was a silence and it was as though every heartbeat in the room could be heard. Draco could hear his own heart and suddenly he couldn't breathe. "Do it!" Bellatrix whisper shouted.
"He doesn't have the stark just like his father. Let me do it my own way" a death eater said and Draco glared at him. "No! The dark lord was clear! He has to do it"

Harry backed away, keeping his wand aimed at Draco he bumped into snape who simply put his finger to his lips, signalling harry not to say anything.

"go on Draco, NOW!" Bellatrix yelled and Draco cried as he looked at Dumbledore. He wouldn't do it. "No" there was a silence as snape walked up the steps and onto the astronomy tower  floor. Draco lowered his wand and back away. Harry let out a breath that he didn't know he was holding in.

Dumbledore looked down through the crack in the wooden floorboard at harry. Dumbledore knew he was about to breathe his last breath. "Severus" there was a long silence. "Please" Dumbledore wasn't going to plead to stay alive. He was up against someone
he knew very well.
Snake aimed his wand at him Dumbledore and Draco gasped. "Avada kedavra" he said loudly and harry watched as Dumbledore fell from the building, it was slow but painful for harry. He was in shock. Snape wasn't to be trusted. Draco was frozen in shock and he was about to cry but Bellatrix pushed him. She ran to the place where Dumbledore had fallen and summoned the dark mark.

Harry pushed through the crowd of students to get to Dumbledores dead body. Harry's face was covered in tears and he knelt next to the old man. Harry was silent. Inside he was screaming out in pain. But he had to be strong. Harry then took the 'horcux' necklace from around Dumbledores neck. He then put his hand on the old mans chest. There was no heartbeat. 'Come on! What was I expecting? Nobody can survive the killing curse! nobody... but I did' harry thought as more tears streamed down his face as it dawned on him. This is what Draco meant. The many I'm sorry's. he had no choice. But harry still loved him. But he hated himself for it. Hermione and Ron stepped out of the crowd and walked over to harry. They got to their knees and Hermione hugged him, he leant on her and let out silent tears.

McGonagall raised her wand and a light slowly raised out of it, Madame. Pomfrey copied and soon all the students and teachers had raised their wands and the sky was slowly being lit up by dozens upon dozens of wands. The light faded and so did the dark mark on the nights sky.

Ron and hermione were also crying and harry was leaning against then both.

"SNAPE! HE TRUSTED YOU!" Harry yelled as he stormed down the hill to hagrids hut, where instead of being friendly and welcoming it was terrifying. It was lit up with flames and Bellatrixes high pitched laugh could be heard. "Sectumsempra" harry yelled and snape threw a curse at him. "How dare you use my spells against me" snape growled. "I am the half blood prince" snape them turned and walked over to his fellow death eaters. Draco slyly ran over to him, "harry I'm sorry! I had no over option! I really didn't want to kill him. I lowered my wand didn't you see" Draco was also crying. "Voldemort was going to kill me if I didn't I can hear him hissing in my ear" Draco whispered. "He's driving me mad. I'm going mad help me harry help; please" Draco pleaded and harry said nothing as the man who had looked after him throughout his wizarding life so far had just died, right in front of his eyes.

"Please harry!"

Harry got up and walked away. "Please forgive me!" Draco fell to his knees and harry looked back. He could no longer see the spiteful, mean boy he was used to, he saw a hurt, broken boy. He wanted to run back but he couldn't. He has to continue on.

A/N END OF CHAPTER next chapter will be the start of deathly hallows! Ah this reflects my mood right now. I try my best to put how I'm feeling into how the characters are feeling. Ah Dumbledores death always makes me cry 1444 words x

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