Innocent Mute (OHSHC Love Story) Chapter 20

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Tamaki and Haruhi had it out on the beach, one yelling at the other; but I didn’t stick around for it. I watched the guy’s that came after us leave from my bedroom window, one limping while the other supported him as best he could.

Rika appeared next to me, watching them.

“When I heard the gunshot I actually thought you killed him…” her voice was soft.

She’s being cautious…

~There would be no point other than my own satisfaction. I told him to tell Waylon we’d be coming back. He threatened to take the Ark… I’m not going to let that happen. I don’t care what situation we’re in. ~

She nodded silently, crossing her arms.

“Should I call Sebastian and Arnold? See what they think?”

It would probably be better if they knew… if it comes down to it, we’d need their help to get there. Adding to the fact, Rika and I can’t exactly affiliate with the Ark directly. We might need to use them as sort of owls to communicate with the Ark for us.

I nodded, keeping my eyes on the guys limping towards a Ford pick-up.

She left me to I assume call the boys. Even after the drunken idiots left; I stood by the window and watched the sun slowly go down.

“Who are you?”

Kyouya… I knew this wouldn’t work between us. A friendship would be hard enough to manage; but for some reason I had hopes on becoming much more than a friend. I should have known it wouldn’t work…

I didn’t respond though.

He’s getting involved in something he shouldn’t be… this could put him in so much danger…

But, I couldn’t help that sliver of hope that he might just look beyond what happened today, how he must have saw me. I had grown too fast… I’m only seventeen, but already I’ve seen and experienced much more than I wish.

I’ve even killed people…

Who could possibly look beyond that?

“You aren’t going to answer me? You just think ignoring me will make what happened go away?!”

I cringed as he began yelling.

Don’t be mad at me… please…

“You pointed a gun at someone, Suzu! Why do you even have a gun?!”

I didn’t turn around. He just yelled at my back.

“You aren’t who everyone thinks you are, are you? Are you a criminal? Have you ever actually shot someone? Huh?!”

Stop… please. I can’t take this.

His every word felt like a new wound, slicing into my heart. Why does this hurt so much? Hiding is something I should be used to by now… then why does this hurt so bad? My eyes prickled with tears.

Suddenly, hands grabbed my shoulders and forced me around.

“Answer me!”

“Don’t touch me!” I screamed.

I pushed him back, his touch feeling like hot irons against my skin. Men… don’t touch me… they’re evil…

Innocent Mute *Re-Write in Process* (OHSHC Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now