Innocent Mute (OHSHC Love Story) Chapter 34

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It would be a shitty thing to say I don't cooperate with labels very well. I suppose living within a borderline has never been my style, having been stuck in a sensitive situation as a kid. But, knowing how big of a deal it is to have any sort of romantic status with any of the hosts, let alone Kyouya; I'd be lying if I said I didn't giggle like a school girl.

And how my heart flipped as I watched him break out into a face-splitting grin when I accepted his very important proposition.

But as we arrived at school the next morning, bright eyed and bushy tailed, I can't say I didn't feel the teensiest bit nervous when he held my hand in the hallway. An uncomfortable sort of nervous, not a fluttery kind. The kind that makes you admire the tile flooring the entire time, as the entire population gawks at you like you've just grown a dick on your forehead.

If Kyouya noticed my discomfort, he didn't make any sort of action to confront me about it. He just seemed to act completely at ease, despite how happy he had been the day before when he spun me around and kissed me. As the day moved on, he got himself into a routine of meeting me outside my classes without having even been asked.

He's acting so comfortable with this! How is he not squirming like I am?

He's confident in everything he does, sure; but this is his first walk around the block. A girlfriend!

Rika didn't seem surprised in the slightest, just waved us off when she caught us with our fingers intertwined.

"It's not like I didn't see it coming. Just make sure he knows the obvious, I will beat him into next week if he mistreats you. Though, I'm sure he already knows." She shrugged this morning.

Anyone would have felt relieved, I suppose. But her words were deadpan and her eyes almost glazed over. She probably didn't even register the information, let alone will remember what she said.

It's sobering for sure...

So many things being thrown at us at once. Our friend passing unexpectedly, our satanic father having entered the country on a hunt for his blood, a competition we are in no way ready for, and of course the love I've been trying to deny for the man holding my hand.

The cup is looking not halfway full or empty; just trembling uncontrollably, ready to teeter over any second.

Tamaki just about shit himself when he saw Kyouya kiss me lightly on the cheek before leaving me at my French class. I knew, of course, that the Hosts were bound to find out. Either sooner or later, but the smile on Tamaki's face was enough to brighten any cloudy day.

"I had a feeling you know! I am King after all, and royalty always have a sort of telepathy!" He exclaimed, hugging me close.

"Don't you mean psychic, Tamaki?" I mumbled, squished against his chest.

He immediately pulled me so I'm at arm's length, giving me a good look over. Is it what I'm wearing? I mean a black knitted sweater and leggings really isn't anything to marvel at, but who knows with this guy...

"You don't seem very happy..."

His tone had gone completely serious, making me blink.

"... Is it that obvious?"

He frowned, leading us to our seats in the back as the class continued to clamber in separate groups. I suppose I should be thankful the teacher had left us to our group projects or Tamaki would have made quite the scene.

"Don't you like Kyouya?"

I nodded vigorously.

"Yes! Very much! It's just... there's so much going on right now and... I don't know if I'm super comfortable with all of this. The last thing I ever wanted was to attract any unneeded attention to myself. And that's all I've gotten all day, most of it negative." I mumbled on and on, trying to dig up whatever has been bothering me all day.

My hand went to touch the bandages hidden underneath my sweater unconsciously.

"You have to realize how big a deal this is for Kyouya... He's a very private person. For him to display such a huge public display of affection; it really is a huge feat for him."

I nodded; I picked up on that. But he sure isn't acting like it.

"He seems so comfortable with it though... like it's no big deal." I looked away from his soft blue eyes, instead going to glance at my French textbook.

"That's because Kyouya is a very calculated person. He already has all the possible consequences summed up in his head and sees that they're nothing compared to being with you." He said softly.

His words struck a chord in me and I smiled softly.

"That's a very sweet way of putting it, Tamaki... Not long ago I couldn't stand the very thought of a man touching me. But with Kyouya... it's different."

It doesn't scare me; I trust him to keep me safe.

He smiled warmly, patting my hand lightly before directing our attention back to the simple project at hand. Whenever we have a partner activity in class, I'd jump to Tamaki, him being so well versed in languages.

Halfway through writing some notes for our speech, he glanced at me.

"Have you and Rika come up with a song for this afternoon?"

I nodded, but faltered slightly.

"... Honestly, I'm not sure Rika will be in the mood today..."

His forehead wrinkled in concern.

"Is she not feeling well?"

I shook my head.

"I'm afraid... a close friend of ours passed away very unexpectedly yesterday. I believe she planned on staying in the art studio after classes today. I'm sorry, I know we've been seemingly putting it off, but she needs this time to cope and-"

He immediately held up a hand to stop me.

"Suzu, we are in no way forcing you two to perform for our guests. You take all the time you need. We all love you two."

And for some odd ass reason, his words hit me.

Slow heavy tears spilled down my cheeks, silent enough not to catch anyone's attention outside just Tamaki and me. He gently pat my hand as I cried gently, sniffling.

"I'm s-sorry, I don't know w-why, there's just s-so much going on..." I sniffed obnoxiously, constantly using my sweater sleeve to wipe the annoying tears away.

He shook his head, smiling gently.

"It's okay. It's always okay. Don't let anyone tell you it's not okay to cry."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2021 ⏰

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