22: What has to be done

Start from the beginning

I had no words. He would be such a great father.

“I’ma love this little girl for ever yo.” He said kissing her tiny lips.

“This is everything good me and you are, you know that right?” He asked looking me in my eyes as he held our daughter.

(End of flashback)

Pulling up at the Cafe I felt slightly better after taking a trip down memory lane. Looking to Brit she gave me a small smile.

“Make the right choices Tae.” She said making me nodded my head.

“I know.” I mumbled

“See your daughter and talk to London and Chris...make things right. You never know, you might not be here tomorrow...Don’t leave like this.” She said

Brittany always gave me great advice that I haven’t always token, but being in this situation now I’m starting to wish I had.

“I know and thank you. I’ll call you when I’m done.” I said leaning over to give her a kiss on the cheek before getting out. Upon stepping onto the curb I pushed my sunglasses onto my face ready to face the hard reality.


“Yo can we eat already?” Keeis asked making me chuckle

We’ve been at the Cafe waiting for Tae to come for about 15 minutes.

“In a minute I’m bout to eat rather she here or not.” Chris snapped. And as you can see he’s not too happy about meeting her here.

“If everyone can just calm down then we can figure out what’s next.” I said

“That’s right angle.” Mama J smiled at me from the end of the table. I love having her here it’s like having my mother here. And speaking of my mother, she’s the next person that we have to tell that I’m pregnant.

The bell above the cafe door rung and everyone eyes traveled to the person that stood under that bell.

“Sorry I’m late.” She said smiling a little walking over to the table.

“It’s fine.” I return the smile

I felt the need to be nice to her. Not because I felt bad, but because we’ve all grown and high school days are over no need to hold grudges being that I got the man of my dreams…

She took her seat and you would have thought that would stop the stares that the Brown’s family was giving her.

“Could y’all stop looking at her.” I said grabbing everyone’s attention

“Thank you London.” She said quietly

Chris clenched his jaw letting his annoyance be shown.

“So let’s order then let you angle’s can talk.” Mama said to more so Chris and Tae. Doing as said we ordered. Once placing our orders the table fell silent again until Tae decided to break it.

“Hi Mimi.” She smiled at her daughter

“Hello.” She waved

“How are you?” Tae asked with a smile still on her face

“Fine.” Mariah replied shortly

Tae nodded her head biting her lips.

“What grade are you in now Mimi?” She asked

“I don’t like to be called Mimi.” Mariah said causing some sort of pain to her mother. About a few months ago Riah came to us telling me and her father that she no longer want to be called Mimi.

“Why?” She asked

“I think I grow out of it.” She said

Tae nodded her head smiling “Me too. What do you like to be called?” She asked

“Riah and sometimes-” Tae cut her off

“Mama.” She finished nodding

*Lashontae Heckard

Of course she wanted to be called Mama. That’s something Chris and I use to call her when she was younger.

“Yeah I liked to be called that.” She said smiling too

She was soo silly. It was cute.

“I like that for you. Who did you hair?” I asked referring to her two big tails

“My mama Lon Lon.” She said making me laugh

“I like it on you. You look pretty.” I gushed making her pose as if I was taking a picture of her

Told you she was silly. Seeing this truly made it clear as in what needed to be done.


A happy Tae is in the sidebar (thigy)

For better or for worse (Changed Man sequel)Where stories live. Discover now