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As my hand began to reach out, something from behind me scooped me up and I was once again out of reach...

Dangling from strong arms in the middle of the street, I was sat down on the wet concrete road. As I turned around, I fixed myself, looking up to see Khleo and Justine running up to me. I was shivering cold and drenched in rain. I couldn't help but burst into tears on the count of this night and the hormones from my pregnancy.

"Justine, watch her please, let me go take care of this." Khleo said.

Justine brought me into her arms and walked me back across the street as we stood from afar watching Khleo handling Jacob and Eric's mess of disrespect to the both of us. Me, being little, I ended up sinking my head into Justine's chest, as she patted me. I looked back over as Khleo had both of the guys on either side of him, they stumbled, laughing and all. I just couldn't get myself to watch it anymore at all.

"Khleo, do you mind driving all of us home? Drop Jacob and Eric off at Eric's place, and Justine and I off at mine please? They just need to get themselves together." I explained.

"Sure, no problem at all. Follow me." Khleo said.

All of us took a hand in helping Jacob and Eric stand up enough to function. It was all just so irritating, coming to find out that Eric only wanted this night for himself and Jacob. He didn't give a damn about me and the condition I'm in. He just wanted Jacob to come out and party with him, having me come alone while using Justine as pawn to get me to be comfortable in this idea and what not. I bet she didn't even know he was playing her. Well at least, now she did but on the other hand I knew he probably buttered her all up and she fell into his words. I couldn't believe the way he was acting nowadays. He used to be a considerate gentleman but as soon as Jacob proposed to me, he's been nothing but jealous it seems. I couldn't stand his actions and tonight, he just went too far for me.

We got to Khleo' car, placing Jacob and Eric in the back seat and Justine near one of the doors to keep an eye on them. Khleo had me sit in the passengers seat up front with him as he drove so I could calm my nerves and my stress down. I knew I was done crying after I got comfortable in the seat. The ride home was quiet, which was all I wanted and soon we ended up dropping Eric and Jacob off at Eric's apartment. As much as I cared about my baby boy, he just made some wrong decisions tonight that he needed to think on without me being by his side. If he wants to please Eric's so called needs of "happiness" then he can, just not with me around for that matter. I knew better and so does Jacob, I'd say he's just a bit lost at the moment upon his friend.

As for me arriving home, Khleo walked Justine and I up to my place to make sure we were safe. I opened the door, walking into a quiet area where Danielle was still awake, simply eating a bowl of ice cream on the couch. Khleo followed us in. Her eyes nearly bulged out of her head when she saw him, but I know she could tell something was up especially if I had both him and Justine with me, instead of Jacob and Eric. 

"What's going on? Phiona you are drenched. You're hair, your cheeks are red, and you looked so flushed." Danielle said coming up to hug me immediately.

"Tonight was simply a mistake, it's my fault for falling for their plans tonight and calling you over here Dani. You can go home if you please." I explained.

"What? Phi, stop talking like that. Justine what happened or Khleo someone explain it to me she's too distraught." Danielle asked.

"Jacob and Eric's plan tonight was just to go out and have a good time. Eric's intentions were to get Jacob drunk and get him away from Phiona, believing that she was putting too much stress on him. Jacob went with it but still wanted to invite Phiona as well on the count of just having her company because he was unsure." Khleo explained.

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