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I got into work and immediately on the spot I bumped into Quincy who had been carried a stack of boxes. They all collided into the floor, making me feel bad in an instant. I dropped down to the floor picking everything up with a panic, that's when Danielle ran over to me and grabbed me up off of the floor.

"Phi, what are you doing girl? You're pregnant you don't need to be on the floor." Danielle whispered.

"I just, it's my fault I ran into him and he dropped all of the boxes. I'm sorry Quincy." I said.

"It's fine Phiona, it's fine." He chuckled at my panic and rubbed my back to calm me down. "Sorry guys."

"Phiona, it's fine, just chill. Here give me your things and come to the back." Danielle insisted.

I followed her to the back where I clocked in and then sat down on the soft sofa that was placed in the room. Danielle came over to me holding a mug full of hot tea, and it was one of my favorite kinds at that, pineapple papaya. I took small sips, breathing in and out carefully so that my racing heart wouldn't overwhelm me. Danielle sat there, just staring at me while I continued to drink my tea.

"How you been babes?" Danielle asked, breaking the awkward silence.

"I've been better, I'm sorry I haven't been at work. I've been taking care of things here and there. But don't get me wrong, I do miss you. Have you gotten any news on rather the other girls from the club were joining us?" I asked.

"Nope, nothing yet but I'm sure we'll know soon. Amanda has been thinking on it a lot and no one is too sure about Justine, I think she's just scared though." Danielle explained.

"I see, well soon enough we'll know then. What have you been up to?" I asked.

"Working and working, getting my money up. Girl you need to come over and see what I've done with my place, you'd definitely love it if anything." She explained.

"Okay, soon Dani. Let's plan on it tomorrow? I'm trying to get mine and Jacob's place fixed up myself or get a bigger place, like a solid house no apartment nor anything smaller. We have another child on the way and plus I have my own siblings with me for the moment? Yes, most likely we need an upgrade so I'll be working all week with no stopping." I explained.

"I hear you babes, just be careful of everything. You know how these streets are and I don't want you stressing over nothing while being pregnant with my next niece or nephew." Danielle joked but I knew at most she was more than serious.

"I know," I chuckled with her. "Just give me two to three months and I'll have everything figured out with Jacob's help of course too."

"If you guys need any help, call ya girl. I got you." Danielle said, giving me a hug, then leaving me in the lounge.

As I was beginning to stand up, another being walked into the room. Quincy. I looked up as he looked at me. He waved me to sit back down, but he helped me at that, grabbing my arm with a firm grip letting fall down on to the cushion gently. I furrowed my eyebrows, within my head at least. I only wondered what he could have wanted.

"Hello?" I questioned.

He flashed his bright white smile that made his cheekbones evident. "Hey Phiona, my apologies for barging in on you like that. I see you needed some help so I wanted to give that to you." He explained.

"Uhm yeah it's fine." I said.

"Is everything okay by the way? You seemed a bit anxious walking in the door and all." Quincy said.

Changes 2 {Jacob Latimore}Where stories live. Discover now