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I got up early this morning to go on a job search, for better money and better opportunities for a potential career. I left Phiona at home with Jonah and our current growing baby that lived in her womb. I wanted to make solid money for our little family. Within that, I wanted to do my best to not go back to my old ways. Those old ways were selling drugs and quite frankly I could feel my mind expanding upon understanding the danger such an act brought my life. I couldn't afford to risk getting shot or snitched on, just anything of that sort. All because I wanted to continuously become a better man, of steady change and growth. I know I am so much more than a drug dealer, a street kid, a bad boy. I am now a father and in my efforts, will be a soon to be husband.  I couldn't afford to lose my life over the wants of money. I must earn it and gain it with hard work, I no longer want a hand out or a short cut to something so valuable. I want to know how to value such an asset and let it be a lesson learned to my life. Becoming knowledgeable and aware of all aspects in my life were a specific key to living wisely. Living with a chip on my shoulder could not be an option at this point in life. If anything, I've came to realize the true task in being apart of a family.

For the longest time I never had a family, and yet here I am damn near twenty years old and I've gained the chance to make something of myself with the love of my life. I want to work so hard that I prove to myself I am worth success. I don't want materialistic things. I only want the things in life that body the mind, soul, and heart. It's been a long time coming but everything I've ever been told from someone whom has had an important place in my life has brought me to see that they were right. Rather it was Tré, Phiona, or even Eric at that, they believed in me out of all the people in my life. Life shows you that your circle will stay small and that's not necessarily a bad thing. It's simple to only make life liveable with those who have always had your back. Even if they are no longer standing on this earth, it's evident that the words of one wise person live on forever. So I carry the words of Tré with me everyday, and so does Phiona. We came from two completely different backgrounds and yet, the person who once was here is the person who brought us together.

I couldn't thank Tré enough for convincing me to trust in Phiona and let her take care of me. She did a lot for me and vice versa. She is a steady reminder of the best decision I've ever made in my life. The biggest change I ever made at that. I'll always remember our days in school and outside of school, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Our obstacles are essentially what kept us fighting for a life together. I notice that we've built something very beautiful, so who could forget where they started. It is the bottom that we must remember, so that when we reach our initial mark in life we will be humbled and thankful for those who got us where we needed to be. Even with the faith we have in this very moment. This faith here will get us further too.

I found myself walking into a building. It happened to be a basic 'Job Corp' building, with multiple fields to choose from depending on your personal interest. I walked to the desk in the middle of the entire lobby. Everything looked cleaned, not a speck of dust in sight. I faced a woman with a headset on. She steady typed on her computer, not realizing that someone was standing in front of her until, I cleared my throat.

"Oh, my apologies sir, I'm Ramona, what can I help you with?" She asked. My mind went blank at the mention of her name, being that it was very similar to the man who had nearly to beat me to death multiple times, not to mention he harmed Phiona in the worst ways too. I immediately shook the thought after remembering he got away with everything he did to us. He's still alive somewhere, I know it.

"Uh yeah, I want to fill out some applications for a job or two, but I also wanted help on exactly where I needed to look. Like what interests me most." I explained.

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