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There's something occurring in these streets and no one is safe. The colored are helpless within their own and the will to stop hurting one another and stand up for each other is killing their pride. There's a lingering coming to rise with the power of consequences. They don't see themselves being hurt by the act of hurting one another, they pay no attention to the real enemy at hand. They see and feel, as well as live in their struggle. It's not before long that the time to react will come, and the truth will come to light.

Everyday since taking Jasmine in, Phiona runs around doing all that she can without any help but a little. She's tired but never says, she's barely getting the sleep she needs out of Jonah growing more everyday and her determination to work herself for better outcomes. Phiona has made an endless amount of money for herself, Jacob, Jonah, and Jasmine as Danielle has finally moved out. She lives just a few blocks down from the couple and visits frequently so that her best friend will not prosper in the ruins of struggle.

While still being worried about her foster siblings, Phiona has went to the orphanage and visited the four children all she has been able. The young woman doesn't stop and shes won't stop until she has fulfilled her duties, saying in which her time to fulfill such a thing may come to a halt when something or someone comes along and creates craze. With Jacob steady by her side, he watches her toss and turn at night, comforting her all he can. Jacob's job has long been away from him, in the result that they let him go. The building that used to be the grocery store has been torn down.

Jacob has been without a job or pay for a while, with Phiona keeping them stable or to say the least that's what the curly haired doll thinks, Jacob has secretly been going to his mother for some extra money. He likes to have some pay in his pocket so that anything needed can be bought. His mother doesn't make him do anything for her because him coming back had enough worth all in itself. He feels guilty but he does it for his love. He feels that his love for Phiona has grown even deeper. She being the woman that she has become and still was even before all of her income, he admired so much and he needed...he craved to marry her more and more.

With Jacob and Phiona had been together for a worthy time now, the two knows more about the plethoras of struggle than anybody they've came in contact with. The couple had something coming from them, more than one problem at that and they were not going to be prepared as far as the person creating the problem could throw. Yet, it won't be just one person, many rather actually. Jacob had yet to find himself another job, as Phiona had yet to get herself some rest. The two have not been acknowledging the fact that Phiona is still pregnant since the night Jacob attacked Khleo and got thrown in jail. The very fact had been slipping their menatls for some time, especially being it had only been a couple of months since they created a being and the incident with Khleo occurred.

Phiona is growing, her tummy may be smaller than it was when she had Jonah but she is growing, there's another being growing inside of her and they must prepare for this new precious child, with seven months or else they will have the guilt of failing - what they are determined to do - on their shoulders. While preparation for another being comes to life, a shake and rattle in their peaceful home shakes them and stun will be present and not with ease. Something is lingering...something is lingering...softly and harshly to the streets of everyone's stance.

This world is corrupt which gives all the more reason to partake in changes.

In the meantime, Jacob sits quietly at the dinner table with Phiona and their son, alongside Phiona's new found to be little sister Jasmine. Everyone eats in silence and cleans with the help of another. Jasmine takes Jonah and lays him down for a nap, while Jacob is steady staring at Phiona, gazing rather. She's wiping the table off with a damp cloth, there's might bags under her eyes from where she doesn't rest. He gazes at her intently, with the intention to touch her hand and take the cloth from her. He doesn't do such a thing, yet he continues to help her tidy up and once all is done, she still doesn't sit down which places Jacob in heavy worry of his princess.

Changes 2 {Jacob Latimore}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt