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I went over to the Roberts house after dropping Eric off back at his apartment. Meeting with Khleo and taking Eric with me, was obviously a bad idea. I should've known not to do that, then again I don't pay attention to a lot. That situation right there just showed me to be more considerate of Eric no matter what. He is a good friend and he deserves more credit than I give him. I soon pulled up in the driveway.

I hopped down out of my truck and walked to the front door. I let myself in and hung my jacket. What I heard was unbelievable. Yelling and crying was going on at the same time. I quickly ended up in the living room to see that Phiona had tears rolling down her cheeks while holding Tyson, who was crying as well. She was yelling at the top of her lungs as she got barked at by Mr. and Mrs. Roberts both. This ticked me off.

"Hey! What the hell is going on! What'd y'all do to Phiona?" I asked as I walked up by her side.

"Son, we did nothing." Mr. Roberts said.

"Son? I'm no damn son to you if you're hurting the person I love most. I've never seen her this upset. Now tell me what the fuck you did!" I yelled in complete anger.

"When I got here, I walked in to see them beating Tyson." Phiona said.

I looked to Tyson, seeing a red mark across his face.

"You have no right to hurt this baby! He ain't did shit." I said.

"He was being a little brat." Mrs. Roberts remarked.

"You stupid bitch! He is young, all kids act out when all they want is attention which is something you're obviously not giving to him." I exclaimed, standing amongst both of them.

"You don't call my mama a bitch!" Collin had suddenly yelled out, coming in to the living room.

"Boy you better back the fuck up before I rock yo jaw and knock you out." I said as I clenched my fists.

"Jump then bruh!" Collin yelled, pushing against me.

I pushed him back and swung on him. Knocking him out cold, with all the anger built up inside of me at the moment I just continued hitting him. That's until someone or more pulled me off of him.

"Baby stop!" Phiona yelled. She held me back as I began to control my breathing.

Mrs. Roberts watched in disbelief, crying and not even caring enough to do shit about it. Mr. Roberts had left the room even.

"Damn.. what happened here?" April asked.

"Kids, go get your things and come with Jacob and I. You'll be back later, it isn't safe here right now." Phiona told them.

They all quickly obeyed. Before we left, I had something to say.

"The only reason y'all treat Tyson unfairly is because of his color. He's white, so white. He didn't do nothing to y'all, he doesn't know the history of course but that doesn't mean you should punish him. You have no idea where he came from and for y'all to assume is just wrong. That's why the world is fucked up now, because dumb asses like you want to distinguish all based on color. I'm never coming back, from now on its just fuck you and your whole family." I exclaimed.

With that said, I stepped over Collin who was still laid out and picked Jonah up as I grabbed my jacket as well. Everyone loaded up in the truck with Phiona and I. I set Jonah in his seat, next to April making sure that she'd watch him carefully. After doing that, I got into the drivers seat and pulled away from the mansion. I drove him, quietly with no yearn to talk at all. The kids were quiet too but I understood why. I know how fast my temper arises so conflict tends to escalate quickly between others and I.

Changes 2 {Jacob Latimore}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum