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"Hey princess, I'm gonna head to work and then I got some business to take care of." I whispered lightly to Phiona as her eyes fluttered open slowly.

"Okay," she yawned softly. "Go ahead baby boy, no questions asked. Handle what you need to."

"Thanks princess, see you tonight." I said and stole a kiss from her lips. She tossed over on to her stomach and pulled some more cover on herself.

I smiled as I watched in awe but was soon in the shower and preparing for work. Once I was dressed and handled my hygiene, I headed out the door quietly, being sure not to wake anyone. I got in my truck, driving to the store I worked at of course. Not to my surprise, Jasmine and her mother were sitting right there as always. I greeted them but her mother ignored me. I just gave Jasmine a sly smile and clocked into work. I was honestly only working for a couple of hours today, I had someone covering the rest of my shift.

I had some series business to take care of, in every aspect of my life. I had to deal with certain things and face odd certainties in the long run. I figured that I might as well do something about the root of my problems now because I just know for a fact, I was going to need more help than anything. I was going to need help with my family at most in which most know only includes Phiona and our son Jonah.

I wanted to give us a way better life and I knew the help I was going to, would provide even if I had to do certain things that don't comply to everyday life or mine in general. Whatever it was though, I had it in the bag. I knew how to do everything taught by my peoples from the past and the streets. For instance, Tré. I miss him dearly. Although the person I was going to was opposite from him, I knew something had to give within wanting what I wanted.

So my search would occur soon. Another thing I knew had coming for me was madness and simply drama. Everything I was going to do was about to be tough and I had to tell Phiona soon enough too. I continued working and not before long, I witnessed Jasmine walk into the store like she always did. She came straight to me and stood there quietly until I spoke first.

"You doing okay?" I asked.

"A little better from the last time but Jacob I still really need your help, look my mother told me to stay put in here until she comes back. I already know she went to her drug dealer." Jasmine explained.

"Alright I understand. Just calm down alright? I'm not gonna be here for too much longer, so I guess I'll let you tag along with me I'll let you stay at the house." I said.

"That's fine with me. Will Phiona be there? I would really love to see her." Jasmine asked.

"Yes, she'll be there later tonight though. She got a new job, so she'll be working overtime for a little while to get our money up. I promise you'll see her though." I said.

"Okay, what about your baby? Is he alone?" Jasmine asked.

"No, Phiona and her friend Danielle are still there, they'll leave for work at one though and my friend Eric usually heads over there so you will not be alone, neither will Jonah." I explained.

"Alright, well thank you so much. For the time being, what should I do?" She asked.

"Just relax, I'll take you to the break room and whenever it's time for me to clock out, I'll come and grab you. I'll drop you off at the house and I gotta be out again." I said.

She nodded her head.

"One more thing Jacob." She said.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Could I..uhm have some food, I'm starving." She spoke quietly.

"Of course, let me grab you a few things. Follow me." I simply stated.

Changes 2 {Jacob Latimore}Where stories live. Discover now