"I still don't get why we can't play songs from my music library," Emily grumbled. Alison had disqualified Emily's playlists after the brunette had offered to pick songs to play during the ride, making Emily dizzy with confusion.

"Babe, no offense, but you have the gayest playlist I've ever seen."

"And that means...?" Emily trailed off, truly not understanding Alison's point.

"It means absolutely all of your songs are about girls on girls," Alison explained as if it was obvious. Emily gave her another puzzled look and she sighed, holding her hand out in front of her. "Give me your phone, I'll show you."

Emily handed her the device and Alison quickly turned on the music player, hurrying to prove her point. She scrabbled through Emily's playlists.

"See? Here, this is what I'm talking about," Alison started. "'Girls Like Girls', 'I Kissed a Girl', 'She Likes Girls', 'I Found a Girl'... Seriously Em, I have nothing against any of these songs, but this goes on through your entire playlist."

"That's hilarious," Hanna cackled, "she's kinda right, Em. I mean, these are the only songs you listen to. I can't believe I hadn't realized you were into girls sooner."

"Shut up, Hanna," Emily rolled her eyes.

"How 'bout you let the master handle this?" Hanna challenged playfully, already prepared to plug her phone to the car stereo.

"Right... I remember how 'the master' was the first one in line to see her boy, Justin Bieber's new movie," Caleb scoffed mischievously.

"First of all, it's not just a movie, it's his real story," Hanna corrected her boyfriend with a grave voice.

"About what? His hair?"

"You know what? Just don't talk about the Biebs, okay? You don't know the Biebs, you don't understand the Biebs. Or his hair." Hanna finished, dead serious.

"Okay, what about my music?" Spencer chimed in.

"No thanks, Spence, I'm not really in the mood for Mozart," Alison laughed.

"What makes you say that?" Spencer tried her best to show a hurt face, even though they all knew was caught. She really did appreciate classical composers such as Mozart. Typical Spencer.

Alison merely snorted.

"Okay, fine, not classical music. How about songs from 'Grease'? Ever since we saw that movie the other day, I can't get these songs out of my head," Spencer offered optimistically.

The people in the car exchanged a few looks before nodding slowly. "That actually doesn't sound like a bad idea, Spence," Aria smiled at the tall brunette.

Spencer smiled in return, plugging her phone to the stereo, and pressing play on her "Grease" playlist, starting with "Summer Nights".


"Ugh, how much longer are we going to stand here like sitting geese?" Hanna complained. They've been standing in front of the Victory Gate for the past hour or so.

Hanna thought angrily to herself that it was an hour too long as she adjusted the designer sunglasses on her face.

"Ducks," Spencer corrected quickly.


"You sit like lame ducks, Hanna, not geese," Spencer explained further.

Hanna gave Spencer a look that said seriously? and sighed hastily. "Okay, well, whatever. They both quack," she pointed out.

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