Chapter 37: Giving Up On You

Start from the beginning

Tension grew in my voice as I stared at his lifeless body, hoping for even the slightest change in facial expression, or muscle movement. I was becoming fidgety and I couldn't stand the silence.

"Reece I'm pregnant... you have to help me. I need your support right now... I need my best friend..."

Ryan squeezed me tighter, and for a second, I realized I had forgotten he was there. Ryan was my Reece for the moment. He was the one there for me... he was my shoulder to cry on, and later today I was going to lose him too.

"Ok Reece, I have to go," I said, releasing my grip on his hand, "keep fighting, I'll be waiting for you..."

I turned away to leave with Ryan and just as we opened the door, the support machine went crazy. Reece's vitals plummeted and Ryan shouted down the hall for help. Doctors rushed in, almost knocking us over, and shoved us out as fast as they could. I tried to fight back, but Ryan helped them take me out.

"RYAN what the heck!!" I yelled through the tears streaming down my face.

"We need to go, Reece will be fine, the doctors here have it..."

"But Ryan—"

"It's ok Savannah! Nothing will happen to him, have faith!"

"I don't know if I can... I'm starting to give up Ryan," I said as he walked over to wipe tears from my eyes, "he's only getting worse and I just can't keep—"

"Don't think about it that way... He's gonna make it through this. Let's just go meet Colin back at he house... it's my last day with you and I don't want to remember you like this. He will make it out alive because he is a fighter"

I nodded and walked out to the car with him, arm in arm. When we got back to their loft, we walked inside and I saw that the television was on. The top story of the day was Reece's tragic accident.

"I swear these people have nothing better to do with their lives!" I said, picking up the remote and angrily flipping through the channels.

"See, if it were me, I'd be lucky if the local news even covered my story, much less the word news..."

"Stop saying that"

"Saying what?"

"If it were you! Ryan, if it were you we'd all be just as upset—"


"You're right, I can't speak for everyone else, but I would miss you..."

He smiled and sat next to me on the couch.

"Did Colin text you?"

"No... I wonder where he is"

Ryan thought for a second, then spoke again, "maybe he was taking Jen home and got caught in traffic"

I nodded and kept flipping through the channels until the tv landed on Spongebob.


"What? It's comforting!"

"If you say so," he laughed, "hey, I wanna give you something"

Before I could reply, he was running up the steps, disappearing from my sight. When he came back, he was rolling his packed suitcase down the stairs.

"Think fast!"

He threw a wad of cloth in my direction.

"Wha— a shirt?"

"Do you know where it's from?"

I unraveled the wrinkled shirt and held It up to look at it.

"Is this the shirt you were wearing when we—"

"Bingo! That's the shirt you ripped off my body—"

"I hardly ripped anything off of you Ryan, you're exaggerating there..."

"Well, now you have something to remember me. It still smells like you by the way, I haven't washed it"

"That's creepy," I said, smirking as I folded the shirt and put it on the table, "but sweet... I guess"

He walked back over to me and gave me a hug.

"I'm gonna miss you... you're the only person who cares."

"That's not true Ryan, but I'm gonna miss you too..."

He gripped me tighter and kissed my cheek.

"Thank you for everything Savannah"

"No problem," I said, as he pulled away from me to sit on the couch again.

I looked over and saw him burry his face in his hands. I didn't now what to say to him, so I pulled him closer and held him in my arms. Ryan looked up from his hands and looked into my eyes.

"What's wrong?"


He reached up and brushed mg hair back from my face.

"Ryan something is bothering you..."

His eyes were piercing my soul and I could see the anguish on his face.

"I'm so scared to go back Savannah..."

A tear rolled down his face and it broke me up. I suddenly felt bad for all of my previous actions and everything I had thought about him before.

I leaned in and kissed him softly on his lips.

"I'm sorry," I said leaning my forehead against his, "don't be afraid... I'm sure your children will be happy to see you again"

"I hope so," he said dreamily, leaning in for another kiss.

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