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Arjun's pov :-

I wake up to see sun rays streaming from windows and Navya standing beside the window rubbing her swollen belly . God ! It feels like just yesterday we got married but it's already 2 years and she is due 1 month .

Princess , why did you wake up early ? You know you should sleep more ..... It's good . I tell her while she starts rolling her eyes . No one but her can do this .....

I've got lots of work to do Arjun . Remember Anu is coming today she tells me and I sigh .

Are you sure you want to do this ? I mean what if she has moved on ? Or she doesn't want him anymore ? I ask worriedly because my wife and Chandu have lots of expectations on her decision .....

We can only try Arjun . I know I supported her without knowing the whole story but it doesn't mean I can't try rectifying my mistake . She tells sadly .

Well , she isn't still over her guilt of helping Anu runaway from her in-laws home due to a misunderstanding which Chandu left uncleared .

Okay ! Get up , Arjun she whines childishly .

I'll be up only if my wife wakes me up with her kisses . I bargain to which she complies with a small smile .

Ofcourse it's become my habit to wake up only to her kisses . My life couldn't get any better without her by my side .....

Soon she starts peppering kisses on my face and I carefully pull her on the bed and cuddle her before those women take away her and my child in the name of Godh Bharai .

Will Anu get angry on me for what I'm going to do today she asks worried . Nope she may be mad that you're setting up her meeting with the Iyer family by naming it as your Godh Bharai but then she'll understand .

Promise ? She asks cutely . Promise I reply kissing her nose and then start tickling her to make her laugh . Which is the only melody I love ......


Anasuya 's pov :-

Ahhh ..... Hyderabad here I'm . I think to myself smiling but then my smile withers away thinking of how my whole life changed because of certain someone .

I decided to make his life hell but seems like my life has bEcome one without him .

I thought that with Distance my love for him will fade away while  taking a flight to London but seems like Distance was just a test to see how far love could travel .......

Sighing , I take a taxi for my home . Well , leaving all that I'm damn excited to meet Navya and all the family after nearly a year .

It was Navya who helped me to move to London when I decided to take divorce and move on in my life .....

I'm also excited to see my nephew / niece . I'll be meeting him / her for first time . Today is navya's godh bharai and I wish everything to be perfect for them ......

I reach Shergill mansion and pay off the taxi . I keep looking around the house trying to recollect my childhood that I spent in this house . I keep walking when someone's shoulder brushes across mine .

Lifting my head I see the one person whom I never want to meet . His eyes were guilty while I tried faking happiness but I know I failed miserably when he pulled me for a hug .


Now I don't have to be guilty , I think chandu can manage her . I tell Arjun happily  looking at Anu and Chandu hugging each other from the top of the terrace .

Yes , you don't have to . Arjun tells looking at me smilingly and kisses my forehead .

I don't know what my future holds but I'm happy with my present and my family and I'm sure we all can solve our problems standing together .

Thank-you mama and papa for always being there though not physically ..........


❤ Crossroads of Life ❤Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ