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" What the hell are you doing ? " Hearing Arjun's voice , Navya was startled from investigating the confidential file 's of Shergill companies .
     She just wanted to come clean of the betrayal taint Arjun stamped on her . Though he found out that she wasn't the one to steal files , yet he didn't disclose this fact to others .

Navya opened her mouth to tell something when her phone dinged with a notification message . She pulled out her phone and checked the message .
Arjun stood there dumbfounded seeing this girl not getting scared even when caught .

But then something unexpected happened . She pulled him with her to the side where there was a Xerox machine and his behind it pulling him along with her .

Arjun tried to protest but she gave him a pleading look and covered his mouth with her palm . They were very close to each other and her scent was captivating Arjun . But then after few seconds he came out of his trance when he heard the cabin door opening . He wanted to get up and check who had his cabin keys except him and Navya ofcourse . But Navya pulled him and glared at him . Shhh.... Saying that she put her finger on his lips . He was drowned in the depths of her eyes .
Suddenly Navya pulled away from him and stood up and switched on those lights . Arjun also slowly stood up and to say he was shocked would be an understatement . There stood Tina , Abhi's girlfriend with an important file of Shergill industries .

What the fuck Tina ? What are you doing here ? And How did you get the damn keys ? He asked in one breath and started shooting daggers at him .

Oh god not again , Navya exclaimed loudly interrupting Tina . You must've dumped her like your other bimbos Mr.Shergill and here she's to extract revenge . Woah ! And all the blame is on me . Like betraying my bOss and company etc etc .....

He has other bimbos ? But.....

Arjun cut off Tina saying , I appreciate your dedication to prove yourself correct Miss . Singh and I would even more appreciate if you wait for me outside my cabin until I finish my inevitable chat with Miss Tina over here .

Huffing and stomping her foot Navya went out of his cabin but still decided to listen to their conversation as she saw the girl whom Arjun referred as Tina had tears in her eyes when she was coming out .But then the walls of Arjun's cabin are sound proof much to kill her curiosity she started playing subway surfers in her phone .

First tell me , How did you get my cabin keys ? And why were you doing all these ? Asked Arjun in a deadly calm voice , though he was anything but calm inside .

Your manager Rishabh gave me the keys . He told me that I was his favourite model and he was my biggest fan . So , I used him to get these confidential files so that I can ruin you .

You know that Abhi loves you right ? Then how did you miss this logic that he would spare you if he got to know that you wanted to ruin me ?

Well ! Let him go to hell . He doesn't love me . He's getting married in less than a month to some girl his daadi chose . When he can dump me so easily then even I can ruin him ......

Get out Tina . It's better we don't have conversation about abhi and his love . This is your final warning , Abhi dump you or not you leave him alone and not let your selfish schemes in spoiling his arranged marriage or you'll regret knowing me .

Gearing Arjun threaten her in his business tone send shivers in her spine . Nodding her head she exited his office with bloodshot eyes and tears ruining her model makeup .

As soon as Navya saw Tina exiting Arjun's cabin , she stood up . She thought of consoling Tina but then thought against it for Tina  was the reason she was blamed and accused of something against her Work ethics .

Soon arjun came out with the same bossy attitude he always carried . He so wanted to apologize for accusing her something she didn't do but then he knew he cannot not because of his ego but for the simple reason he didn't know how to apologize .

Here is your internship certificate that you needed . Arjun said handling Navya her performance file . For a second Navya forgot about Tina and her teary face .

Thank-you sir , I think I shall make my move now Navya said softly avoiding his gaze remembering Tina .

It's already late , come I'll drop you he said calmly .

You're very good at dropping Arjun , but I don't let people drop me as an option Navya thought ........

No sir , she said way too fast . I've my friends coming to pick me up . Anyways thanks for the offer . She left Arjun standing there .

Why can't he simply apologize for blaming me ?
Why is his ego such huge ?
These were the last thoughts of Navya when the lift was closing and Arjun kept staring at her ..........


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