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Scooter POV:

Did my niece just curse? Damn! She is her mother's child, well Justin does deserves anything she says to him. Then he ask "Scooter what is this latina bitch doing here?" before I could curse him myself, Cassie said "I'll show you latina bitch", she attacked him, she only manage to slap him in the face cause I grab her plus she was cursing in Latin.

Justin held his face in shock, he can't believe that she just slap him, her hand is printed out in his face, then I saw Chaz coming up to us, I manage to calm down Cassie, but when she saw Chaz, it was so on. Ryan and I had a hard time holding on to her, she is like a wild cat, after a few minutes we thought she was calm so we let her go. As soon as we let her go she went for them and there was nothing we could do, we ended up of to call Justin's body guard to pull her off of them.

Let's just say that Justin's face wasn't as pretty anymore and Chaz won't be able to sit down for weeks, damn! My niece is a she lion just like her mom, I guess me training her to fight paid off a lot. I called Kenny to come pick her up and bring her back to the house, I don't need any further damage to Justin or Chaz. Half an hour later Kenny came and got her, she hugged Ryan before she left, she told me that Ryan was the only one who was kind to her and was forced to hit her.

After she left I heard Justin and Chaz calling her crazy in Justin's dressing room, so I went in there and said "both of you deserved that, that hitting you got, times it by a year, that's what she went though". Justin ask "why do you even care?" I said "I care cause she is my niece, I'll deal with you later, just finish with your rehearsal". Justin said "but the dancers aren't sexy enough", so I said "we will discus the dancers tomorrow, right now I have to check up on my niece, and both of you're gonna apologize for what you did to her".

Falling for my enemy (COMPLETED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora