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Ryan's P.O.V

    Brendon and I where spooning, I had turned the heater off so it was like the fucking north pole.  Brendon had returned to his normal goofy self, or at least was acting like it. The swelling on his cheek had gone down and it only left a light pinkish purplish mark. Knots was asleep in his bed on the floor next to our. I still couldn't believe that Brendon's dad hit him. "Hey Brenny, you awake?" I said as softly as I could incase he was asleep. "Yeah" he muttered.  I rolled over, snuggling his chest. He let his hand rest in my russet brown hair. I looked up, studying the mark on his otherwise perfect face. I brushed my fingers over it gently to see how much it had really swelled. Brendon winced at the light contact. I pulled my fingers back immediately, "oh shit babe i'm sorry. Does it hurt that bad?" I asked attentively. Brendon kissed my forehead sweetly, "no, no babe its fine" he said. "No it's not, you don't have to be tough around me. I've seen you cry on live television, you can tell me if you actually hurt" I told him. He sighed, rolling over onto his back. He started at the ceiling for six solid seconds, squeezing my hand. "He hasn't hit me since I was about eighteen or nineteen, I honestly thought we had moved past that" he said. I held his hand as tight as I could, remembering the bruises he had had when we where teenagers. "Look you told me you would protect me and I believe and appreciate that, but sweaty I don't wanna talk about this right now. Can we just go to sleep?" he huffed. I pulled him closer, shifting us so we where spooning again. "Okay babe" I muttered, already half asleep.  

    I woke up early to Brendons gentle snoring. I pulled away without waking him and snuck to the kitchen, I liked cooking. I had bought a turkey and everything else I needed to cook a good dinner. I washed my hands, put on my cheesey 'kiss the cook' apron that Brendon got me and got to work. I had only been cooking for about twenty minutes when Brendons mother came waltzing into the kitchen. "Hello Mrs. Urie" I said without looking up from the bird I was preparing. "Hello Ryan dear" she said with false kindness, "would you like some help?", telling me she would 'help' more than asking. "Uh yes please, could you please start on the potatoes" I said, motioning to the bowl of potatoes with a handful of stuffing. She nodded, rolling her sleeves up. She finished the potatoes impossibly fast. She then made the cranberry sauce, pie filling and somehow tricked me out of the turkey. "Well would you like me to make the gravy or set the table?" I asked, desperate to do something for this dinner. "No sweetie, just go wake up Brendon and do your best to get him to dress nicely" she said. I rolled my eyes and left the room. 

     I flopped down on the bed, grabing a pillow and screaming into it until my voice was hoarse. Brendon sat up and rubbed his eyes sleepily. "Babe? What's wrong?" he asked, propping himself up on his elbows. I took a deep breath, sitting up. "Nothing babe, it's time to get dressed" I said, sorting through our dresser. Brendon groaned and flopped back down on the bed, "I don't wanna" he grummbled. I tossed a crimson button down shirt and ink black dress pants at him, then I turned to the closet to find a tie. "Well you have to, your mother is finishing dinner and it's literally 3:45, get up and get dressed" I ordered, picking out a charcoal black tie. Brendon grumbled as he pulled on the dress pants. He stood there in front of me, arms crossed over his bare chest. I kissed him sloppily. "As much as I love this" I said, running my hands down his sides, "put your shirt on" I told him. He huffed loudly but pulled the shirt on and started to button it. It was like trying to get a toddler dressed for easter sunday church. He fumbled with the tie for a few minutes before pouting and looking to me for help. I sighed and took the tie in my hands. I slowly tied it, showing him how. Once I had finished I pulled him closer, kissing him gently. I checked my watch, 4:30. "Jesus Christ Brendon it took nearly an hour just to get you dressed" I sighed, he just shrugged. I made him sit down on the bed so I could do his hair. It took fifteen minutes to part and gell it, why was he so difficult. When I finally got him all read it was 4:45. I led him to the living room where his father was already sitting in one of the sandy brown chairs. I felt Brendon freeze, but I squeezed his hand and sat on the floor I grabbed the Xbox controllers from under the couch. Brendon and I cept them there because thats where they ended up anyways. Brendon turned the T.V. and Xbox on and sat down next to me, grabbing the other controler. Brendon and I played mario kart until dinner was ready, trying to keep all cursing to a whisper. 

    "Dinner" Brendons mother called. Brendons father stood up, glaring at me with pure hatred. But I brushed it off as Brendon and stood up, offering me a hand. The first thing I noticed when we got to the dining room was that everything smelled and looked amazing. The second thing I noticed was that only three places had been set. Brendon seemed to notice too, because after we had both sat down and a few second of awkward silence had passed, he cleared his throat. "Uh, mom...don't you think you've forgotten something?" Brendon prodded. His mother smiled sweetly, "why no dear, I don't believe I have" she claimed. Brendon was about to say something but I put my hands up, there was no use in fighting. "Whatever" I mumbled as I stood up. I pulled a plate out of the cupboard and served myself. I sat back down and started eating. Brendon rested his hand on my thigh, making me shoot him a 'be appropriate' look. 

     When we where all about finished Brendon kissed me on the cheek, "I love you" he whispered. I blushed, so he can hard hardcore fuck me and i'm fine but he says he loves me and I blush, logic. I saw Mrs. Urie out of the corner of my eye, her fists where balled, her knuckles white and shaking with anger. She grabbed the bare plate the rolls had been on and chucked it at my head, "HERE'S YOUR PLATE YOU LITTLE SHIT" she shouted. I felt a surge of panic. I tried to cover my face with my arms, but when the plat smashed against me the shards stuck in my arm and face. I cried out, sharp pain spreading through my right arm and cheek. Brendon flipped his shit, he was yelling for his parents to leave. They stood up moodily and went to get their stuff. Brendon turned to me, my face and arm where bleeding and I was in full on tears. Brendon picked me up and took me to the bathroom, setting me on the toilet seat. 

     He he frantically rummaged through the cupboard, all the while muttering sweet words in an attempt to calm his hysterical, bleeding, crying boyfriend. He set a handful of stuff on the counter, picking a pair of tweezers from the pile. He pulled the trashcan over to us and crouched in front of me, pulling shards of plate out of my face and arm. He did this, wiping the blood off my face with a washcloth from time to time and muttering things like, "it's gonna be okay" and "i'm so fucking sorry that happened". When I had finally stopped crying and he had all the glass out of my face and most out of my arm Brendons parent appeared in the doorway. Brendon snarled, standing up and facing them. "How you do something so shitty? I mean I alway knew that you where batshit crazy, but throwing a plate at my boyfriend. What the fuck" he spat at his mother, his voice soaked in hatred. "Don't speak to you mother that way you faggot" he spat, his hand flying towards Brendon. Brendon caught him by the wrist, his face remaining one of pure anger. "And you. Do you know what your problem is? You start throwing punches whenever something doesn't go your way. Well guess what tough guy, i'm not a kid anymore. I'm a fucking adult and you can't push me around and hit me anymore, now get the fuck out of my home" he barked, releasing his father's wrist. He turned back to me not caring if they where still there or not, which they werent.

      Brendon stood me in front of the mirror, showing his work off. My left cheek had a bandage medical taped to it, and my arm was wrapped in gauze. I wasn't bleeding nearly as much now. Brendon kissed my neck, "love i'm so sorry that happened" he whispered. I turned around to face him. "You know what" I started, "i'm glad it did". Brendon cocked his head like a confused dog. "If it didn't you wouldn't have stood up to your parents like that" I explained. He shrugged, "I just hope it doesn't leave a mark, now let go clean up that mess" he said. So we did.          

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