Holding on to you

532 21 10

(AN:Before we start I do realize that the title is a TOP song but I don't mean it to be, so don't freak out)

Ryan's P.O.V

    My room had grimy cream colored walls with an ugly penny brown carpet. My bed had ivory and apple red striped sheets with a plain anchor grey comforter, a horrible combination, I know. Brendon's lips where just as soft and warm as the last time we kissed, and how I missed them. Hey cupped the side of my face with his left hand, pulling away from our kiss so he could see me. His warm honey-auburn eyes had always made me feel safe, "your beautiful" he told me as he pressed his forehead gently against mine. I blushed, "thank you, you're quite handsome yourself" I said. I put my hand on the shoulder of his ebony black leather jacket, it was still wet from the rain, as where the rest of his clothes. "You should really get out of those wet clothes, you'll catch cold" I said with genuine concern, he laughed his awkward laugh, "yeah, my stuffs in the car, i'll go get some clothes" he said. "Not in this rain, it's still storming like crazy Bren, you can borrow some of my clothes" I said. 

        I turned to my closet and found a shirt that would be slightly long on the shorter boy, but it would have to do. The shirt was a obsidian black with a garnet red and a canary yellow roses, there moss green stems intertwined with their umber brown thorns sticking up neatly. I turned back to Brendon, who had striped down to his baby blue boxers, discarding his clothes on the floor with mine. He smiled and gratefully took the shirt when I held it out to him. He pulled it on, it fit surprisingly well. I sorted through my dresser until I found what I was looking for, the only pair of clean sweatpants I had, they where ridiculously soft and my favorite tint of periwinkle blue. They where only clean because they where too short for me, they would fit Brendon quite nicely though. After handing him the sweatpants I turned back to finding my pajamas. I picked up my gingerbread brown shirt up off the ground, witch I had dropped during Brendon and I's kiss. I saw the lumberjack flannel pajama pants I was looking for laying on the ground near my bed. I picked them up with my toes, threw them in the air and caught them, laziness gives you ninja skills. I changed into my pajamas and turned to see Brendon, he looked adorable in my too-big T-shirt, and the pants fit him perfectly. 

         He put one hand on the back of my head and the other on my lower back, thunder rumbled outside. I wrapped my arms around his waist, still trying to process the fact that he was here, and he was acting like, he just mabey, loved me. He kissed my forehead gently, "I like what you've done with your hair" he said quietly. I looked up, our noses brushed  against each others, "I like yours too" I told him, running my hand through his gorgeous off-black hair. He moved both of his hands to the sides of my face, cupping it and pressing our noses gently against each others. "I'm sorry I left you" I said, feeling my heart grow heavy like it was made of stone, "i'm sorry I blocked you out, but it's okay now Ry, we're together now and thats all that maters" he said. He kissed me passionately, washing away years of anger and sadness in a few short seconds. He pulled away first, caressing my cheek with his thumb. "We should probably go to bed Ry" he said, I nodded. 

       I moved my laptop from my bed to my hickory nightstand next to my standard rice white lamp with its tacky raisin purple shade. I felt arms on my back and under my knees, Brendon picked me up bridal style and lovingly kissed me. He set me down gently on my bed and laid down next to me on the ivory and apple red sheets, pulling the anchor grey comforter over us. I rolled over to turn off the lamp that was flooding the room with rich butterscotch yellow light. I clicked off the light and all that was left to illuminate the room was the glow-in-the-dark stars I had stuck to my ceiling one night. They didn't provide much light, so much as they cast an eerie pale chartreuse green glow across the room. Brendon scooted closer to me so he was spooning me, he put his arm over my side and grabed my hand. He put his lips against my neck, making me shiver. "Please don't ever leave me again" he whispered into my neck, I gripped his hand tighter, not wanting to lose his touch, "I won't" I murmured.      

Lonely Moonlight (Ryden)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ