Can I stay?

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Ryan's P.O.V

     I was on the third day of my gray sweatpants and Duke blue shirt. My hair was still slightly damp and sticking to my forehead. I frantically searched my floor for socks, I wasn't about to make the mistake of going barefoot again. I found two different socks, one an oil black and the other a crocodile green. I hastily pulled them on and rushed to the door. I opened the dove white slab of metal and wood to see an emotion drunk man in a rain slick leather jacket and a water dotted porcelain muscle tank with onyx black skinny jeans that where wet around the ankles and muddy currant red vans. His off-black hair was sticking up in seven different ways and he was attempting a crooked smile, but his familiar honey-auburn eyes had gone slightly pale, they now seemed to resemble broken glass. I was in shock, to say the least. I hadn't seen him more than once in eight years and he shows up at my door, who does he think he is? But I knew that he knew that I had made it silently clear that he could always come to me. 

        I made a stuttering sound, "Br-Brendon? What are you doing here?" I asked. His crooked smile faltered for half a second, but he quickly caught himself. He rubbed his neck and tried to avoid eye contact, "Sarah and I, we, uh" he sighed, "wesortakindahadalittlehugefightandshewant'stodivourceme" he said. I did the only thing I felt appropriate, I held my arms open. He dived into them, wanting to be comforted. He was much taller now, and he had changed his hair again, but he was still the same Brendon. Nether of us said anything, we just held each other. He pulled away, his eyes pooling with tears, "can-can I come in?" he asked hopefully. "Of course Bren, but-uh my place is a mess" I warned him, he smiled a little. 

               I sat down with him on the sienna brown couch in my dimly lit apartment, "did Sarah kick you out?" I asked, trying to sound as sympathetic as possible. He had small tears beading down his face, his lips where a light blue from the cold and his skin was pale. "S-she kept the dogs" he sputtered I patted his back. He was leaning on my shoulder and holding my hand. I was using ever shred of my existence to stay calm at not only seeing him again, but the affectionate contact. Brendon's dogs where his pride and joy, he loved them more than most people loved their children. "Oh Bogart and Penny, she didn't" I gasped, tears had made his skin pink and slightly puffy "she-she did" he whined. He shifted so his head was on my lap, my breath hitched. He looked up at me, "you know sure I miss Sarah, she was the most amazing woman I've ever met, but those dogs-" he couldn't finish his sentence. "sh-sh-sh, I know" I cooed, I still knew how to calm him down, even of it had been eight years. "Hey Bren, do you want a doughnut?" I asked, his face lit up, and he stopped crying almost immediately. "Ooh, yes please" he sounded like two year old. I he sat up so I could go get his doughnut. 

          I opened the cupboard above the sink and pulled out the taffy pink and eggnog tan Safeway doughnut box. I grabbed two paper towels and a bear claw for Brendon and a maple bar for me out of the box. I put the box back and shut the ivory white cupboards. I hated how the different shades of white didn't quite mach in my apartment. I was happy to see that Brendon's wide grin had returned when I sat down, I handed him the doughnut witch he attacked like a lion to its prey. I looked at the watch my father had given me for my fifteenth birthday, "Bren it's 2:15, you should get some sleep" I said. Brendon had glaze on his lips and doughnut in his mouth, witch he quickly swallowed. He looked down, "I know this is rude but" his voice became almost a whisper, "can I stay?" he asked. I let out a chuckle, "Brendon do you honestly think I would let you go stay at some motel, no you can sleep in my bed, I'll take the couch" I said. Brendon ate the last bit of his doughnut, licked the glaze of his lips and smiled a smile I knew all to well. "It's really cold Ryan, you can sleep with me, I don't mind" he said, I blushed, but quickly corrected my thoughts 'he doesn't want you Ryan' I though to myself. "That, that would be nice" I said quietly, I had finished my doughnut without even noticing, something that happened a lot when I was nervous. I kept a small wastebasket by the couch, I tossed my paper towel in it and Brendon followed my example.

            I lead Brendon down the hallway to my room, and even worse mess than the rest of my apartment. luckily I didn't have any weird Brendon shrine or anything, I wasn't that creepy. I was picking a gingerbread brown shirt up off my dresser to change into when I felt hands on my hips. I involuntarily jumped a bit, but quickly realized it was Brendon. I turned to face him, cluching my shirt, his hands still on my hips. "W-what are you doing?" I asked, Brendon blushed and took his hands away. "S-sorry I-I just felt like, uh..sorry if I misinterpreted anything man" he said, looking particularly awkward. "I missed you" I heared him say under his breath, I took his hand in mine. "You didn't misinterpret anything, and I missed you too" I told him. His goofy grin played across his perfect lips, which had returned to their normal soft pink. "C-can I kiss you?" he asked, brushing a piece of my russet brown hair out of my face and tucking it behind my ear. I felt like we where 19 and 20 again on our first tour, I blushed and nodded. I remembered that his lips had been soft and warm the first time we kissed, a pleasure I had only experienced once or twice before, I wondered if they still held these qualitys. His lips graced mine lightly at first, still nervous. But he seemed to remember how much I loved him, if he could ever know, and his lips crashed on mine with full force.       

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