The Street

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Ryan's P.O.V

         I pulled back the curtain, revealing the brightest, dirtiest group of whores, freaks, and street merchants this side of the earth. Brendon laughed, "what the fuck is this?" he asked. I smiled, "this Brendon, is the street. Every whore, street curb freak and weird merchant in Oregon calls this place home" I told him. He elbowed my side, "don't tell me" he started, but he was cut off as we stepped into the street. Shouts from familiarity voices filled my ears, "strip tease is back" was casually yelled by a friend. Brendon was in awe as we where surrounded like 7th graders on the first day back in school. Punches where peppering my arms, nicknames where flying. One of my good friends Beth, the best whore in Portland stepped forward. "Oh strip tease, don't tell me you're hanging up the thigh highs for this man?" she asked, I laughed, looking back at Brendon. His mouth was hanging open, I kissed his jaw gently. "I'm afraid so Beth, and Brendon honey close your mouth. I was a stripper, get over it" I said. Brendon closed his mouth, but he was entirely silent and amazed still. 

          Three of my other friends, Kent, Paul and Marcus, the most flamboyant gay strippers that taught me everything I know slapped the back of my head and jumped around me like Lurance, Mulligan and Lafayette from Hamilton. "Ross no way man, what the hell are you doing back here?" Marcus yelled. When I finally pushed my way through the crowd, Brendon found his voice. "W-what was that!?" he asked. I took a deep breath, pushing him roughly against the nearest broken down building. "Brendon, I've slept with people for money. But darling, all that is behind us if you let it be. Okay?" I said. Brendon looked nervous, oh no. I stepped back from him, was he gonna-. He doubled over, his nerves making his stomach sick. I sighed, as Brendon looked up at me with watery eyes, "can we go home?" he said, looking close to tears. I nodded and took his hand. I had to waded my way through the crowd, promising I would come back soon. I said goodbye to Max and got in the car. "Baby what happened?" I asked him as we pulled back onto the main road. He ran his fingers through his off-black hair, "I-I just felt nervous and..I just need a shower and a nap." he said. I nodded. 

          When I opened the door we heard the sound of high heels clicking on the kitchen floor,and none other than Sarah came proudly down the hall. She wore a the tightest jet black crop top and matching mini skirt I've ever seen with six in heels of the same color. Brendon, who was holding the voodoo doughnuts box, simply walked past her to the kitchen. "Done with this shit" he yelled. I found my voice, "uh Sarah, nice to see you, how did you get inn here?" I asked. She smiled, tucking her perfectly styled ink black hair behind her ear. "I'm close friends with the manager" she said, "well, uh. Welcome, lets get out of the hallway and go to the living room" I suggested. She nodded and followed me. Only seconds after we had sat down on the couch Brendon returned, "what the hell are you doing here!?" he spat at Sarah. Sarah but her hand to her chest in mock offense, "why Brendon, I've come back for you. I want you back, I shouldn't have gotten so worked up over a silly little fight" she said. I felt like slapping her, Brendon sat gently on my lap, oh, okay then, i'm chill now. "Sarah, you had your chance, i'm with this handsome man now" he said, nuzzling my neck. Sarah looked mad, but before she could say anything Brendon got up. "I'm getting in the shower, you two play nice until I get back" he said, leaving me and Sarah alone. 

        We both sat on ether end of the couch, in complete silence. Sarah finally broke the silence, "are you two know, together?" she asked. I scoffed, "Sarah i'm pretty sure he's fucked me more these past two weeks than he's fucked you in the past year" I shot back at her. She simply shut her mouth after that, glad she learned from that. Brendon returned shortly after that, shirtless in blue jeans and his off-black hair still damp. I smiled, trying not to stare at his beautiful body. "I-i'll shower to" I said, jumping up. I showered as fast as I could, drying off and pulling on my navy blue sweatpants and gingerbread brown shirt. I walked down the hall into the living room, oh my god. Brendon and Sarah where making out, Sarah's top and heels where discarded on the floor, leaving her in only her bra and skirt. I screamed, Brendon sat up, pushing Sarah away. Sarah simply sat back, thinking she had him now. "Ryan I swear to god just let me explain" he begged. I was pissed, "BEDROOM, NOW" I ordered him, he scrambled to his feet and ran as fast as he could. I picked up Sarah's shoes and top, then I grabbed the skinny bitches arm. I dragged her to the door and shoved her out, chucking her shit after her. I slammed the door behind me and slumped against it. I slid to the floor, angry tears sliding down my face. I stayed there for a moment, just crying. I dried my eyes and stood up, time to deal with Brendon. 

Lonely Moonlight (Ryden)Where stories live. Discover now