Portland sights

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Ryan's P.O.V

   Brendon had me pressed up against the kitchen counter with my hands held behind my back as Brendon made out with me. He wore crocodile green army jackets with a mulberry purple T-shirt and blue jeans. I wore a periwinkle blue T-shirt and matte black jeans. Brendon was so much taller than me that I was practically sitting on the biscotti tan counter top as he tried to bring his lips to mine. One of his hands held mine behind my back, the other was buried in my russet brown hair. He pushed me up more, I wrapped my legs around his waist and rested my butt in the counter. He moved his lips to my chin and trailed kisses down my jawline. He nipped playfully at my jaw, "I had fun last night Bren" I said gently to him. He smirked and nuzzled my neck, "so did I babe, I don't honestly remember the last time I watched Portlandia for two consecutive hours" he said. He let my hands go and placed his on my butt, lifting me up off the counter. He carried me to our room (he was fully moved in now) and flopped me down on our bed. He climbed onto of me, kissing me sloppily. 

        "Ry we should do something today, we've been inside for three days" he said, I nodded, pulling him down and flipping us over. "We could go explore Portland" I suggested, "sure babe" he said. Brendon and I walked through our now clean apartment, making plans of what to do. I jumped in the front seat of his midnight black 1967 Chevy impala. I remember the day I had gone with him to buys this car, and it was still in perfect condition. "So where to first?" he asked, starting the car. I buckled my seat belt, "Drive down the streets for a bit, i'll tell you when to stop" I said. Brendon smirked, "whatever you say Ry" he said. I looked out the window at the Portland landscape, it was surprisingly slightly sunny today. I kept looking until I saw what I wanted, "Park here Brendon" I said. 

        He parked the car on the curb and followed me to the street corner. Sitting on the courner was a worn out lilac piano covered in glitter and sequins with 'Keep Portland weird' painted in jet black paint of the back. Brendon laughed loudly at the sight of the dirty piano, "What the hell is this?" he asked. "Its a public piano, so people can come here and just make music" I told him as I sat down on the bench. He sat next to me, obviously amazed at how truly weird Portland was. "Can I actually just play something?" he asked, "go ahead" I said, urging him to play. He smiled and took a deep breath before he gently placed his fingers over the yellowish ivory keys, "Ryan, would you-uh, would you sing with me?" he asked. I hated singing in public, I wasn't very good at it and well. Oh but I couldn't say no to his little face. I sighed, "what song?" I asked him, his face lit up and he began to play the first notes of 'This is gospel'. I sighed, of course, but at least I knew this one well. I cleared my throat, "This is gospel, for the fallen ones" I started, "locked away in permanent slumber" I sang. 

       We continued, a few girls that looked about 13 or 14 gathered around the piano as we continued, mabey they recognized Brendon, or they just liked his piano playing. One girl started filming. When we got to the part where the background voices sing the girls took the part. "Oh, this is the beat of my heart, this is the beat of my heart" they sang along with us. It was so wonderful to be with Brednon playing music again. A few more people started gathering around us. When we got to the chorus Brendon joined me with his lovely voice, and holy fuck we sounded amazing together. We finished the song and the piano and my voice where replace with loud cheering. A fairly large crowd had gathered around the piano, Brendon smiled and grabed my hand. We both stood up and Brendon insisted I take a bow with him, so I did. Once the kids who knew us had cleared out with autographs and picture we got back in the car, I drove this time. 

        We decided that I knew the city better so I should drive. "That was amazing, you  should really sing more" Brendon told me, I blushed. He took his hand in mine, "Portland is so awesome" Brendon said in awe. "It is isn't it" I said, I had sorta become used to it, but seeing how and outsider saw it, it really was amazing. "Where to next?' he asked as I started the car, "you'll see" I told him. We turned on the radio, Green Day's '21 guns' was on, Brendon face lit up and he burst into song. I parked the car just as the song ended, right next to Voodoo doughnuts, the line was surprisingly short today. "What's this place?" Brednon asked, "only the most famous doughnut shop in all of Oregon" I scoffed. Brendon smiled as I led him inside, there was only like 3 other people here WTF!? We ordered a dozen assorted doughnuts for home and then each ordered one to eat now. I ordered he maple bacon bar and Brendon went with the classic voodoo doughnut. We put the powdery pink box in the back seat of our car, locked it and then went to sit at the table under the tree in the courtyard. I sat there with Brendon, loving how exited he was about his doughnut. We ate as slowly as you can eat a voodoo doughnut, witch was not very slow. Brendon and I where sitting on top of the table with our legs handing over the end just like we used to in middle school. He scooted closer to me, "this is the most fun I've had in a long time" he mumbled through a mouthful of doughnut as he grabed my hand.I gently squeezed his hand as we both took the last bites of our doughnuts and licked the sweet frosting off our fingers. I gust of wind blew through the courtyard, blowing leaves off the large maple tree we where sitting under. One of the particularly large garnet red leaves blew into Brendons off-black hair. I giggled and gently removed it, trying not to mess up his gorgeous hair.  When I was leaning close to him he caught his my lips with his. It felt so romantic, with the maple leaves swirling around us.

       He pulled away gently, "I have a few more places to take you" I said checking my watch, 11:30. Brendon nodded and hopped off the table, offering his hand to me like a gentleman. I took it gratefully and stepped down off the table. He shifted his arm so his arm was linked through mine, like those pictures in old fairy tales where a prince is leading a princes down a hallway or something. He opened the car door for me before sliding across the hood of the car and hopping in the passenger seat. We had only been driving for about two minutes when Brendon broke the silence, "Hey Ry, have you been doing any musical shit since you left?' he asked, placing his hand on my thigh. I blushed a little, I reached over to the radio and punched a few buttons. A CD of my music began to play, I only kept it in here because I lost the case for it and didn't want it to get scratched. The first song was called 'At your Window' and I felt my cheeks be covered in a heavy blush as it played. After the song had finished I looked at Brendon, surprised to see him looking impressed, I turned the radio off. "That was you!?" he asked, I blushed even harder, "yeah" I said. Brendon was about to say something but I cut him off, "look" I said, pointing to a very popular Portland sight.

       To our right there the man who was famous for playing the flaming bagpipes in a kilt and a Darth Vader mask while ridding a unicycle was doing his daily ride through town (yes it is a real thing). Brendon took his hand off my thigh and pressed it up against the window as he smooshed his nose against it as well, "what the fuck is that!?" he asked. I laughed as he watched in awe until the strange little man was out of sight. "It's like walking into one of our music videos" he said as he watched the strange crowds of people on the side walk. I pulled around a building and parked in the ally, a buff man with a bald head and lots of tattoos in a dove white muscle tank and denim blue jeans approached us as we got out of the car. "Ryan where are we?" Brendon asked with a large amount of fear in his voice, I squeezed his hand "just let me do the talking babe" I told him. "Oh, looks like the whores back" the tall man said, "shut the fuck up dickhead" I shot back. I could practically hear Brednon think 'WHAT THE FUCK RYAN'. The man cracked a smile, "Nice to see you again Ryan" he said, "good to see you too Max" I said. 

        Max was a friend I had made a while ago when I first moved to Portland. "Who's this" he said, pointing to a a very confused Brendon. I smiled, "This is my boyfriend Brendon, I wanted to show him the street" I told him. Max nodded and motioned for us to follow him. He made sure no one was watching before he moved the dirty apple green dumpster away from the brick wall, revealing a large hole. I said good bye to Max and began to lead Brendon through the tunnel. Brendon seemed to snap back into reality, "Ryan..where are we going?" he asked. "Are you scared?" I asked him without stopping, he hesitated "well-kinda" he said finally. I stopped dead in my tracks and turned to him, "look me in the eyes" I said, he did as I said. "I wan't you too know I would never take you anywhere where you would get hurt" I said. This seemed to reassure him because he nodded and I started walking again. We finally came to the end of the tunnel where a large wine purple curtain hung over the exit, I placed my hand over it. "Ready?" I asked Brendon, "yeah" he said with a nod. I drew back the curtain as dramatically as I could.    

Lonely Moonlight (Ryden)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ