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Ryan's P.O.V

Brendon was laying on our bed when I opened the door, but he sat up the second he heared the door open. I flopped down on the bed next to him, "are you breaking up with me?" he asked. I sighed, "no" I said. He seemed to regain hope then, "are we about to have kinky punishment sex where I call you daddy?" he asked. Oh god the idea of him calling me daddy turned me on, but "no" I said sternly. He seemed disappointed at that, "then what" he said as I sat up to look him in the eyes. I couldn't do it, I didn't even know what 'it' was. He pulled me close by the front of my shirt, kissing me. "Please punish me daddy" he whined, oh god. I wanted to just give in and have kinky sex with him right there, but I couldn't. I shoved him back, "you will sleep on the couch until I say otherwise" I told him. He looked close to tears but nodded and left the room.

(AN: Sorry for the short chapter, the next one will be longer)

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