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Ryan's P.O.V

      Brendon and I where laying on the couch in our underwear watching the walking dead. We where laying head to foot, because it was November and my heater had two settings, freezing and the fucking sun. "I wanna cuddle you but my skin feels like lava" he told me, prodding my side with his foot. I smiled sleepily, "what are we doing for thanksgiving tomorrow babe" I asked him. Brendon's phone buzzed on the table next to the couch, he sighed and grabbed it. "Well apparently my bitchy parents want to come over, my mom wants to see how you are and my dad probly wants to bitch at me for three days straight" he said irritably. "I thought they disowned you" I said, Brendon shrugged. "Dad wanted to, mom wanted to see how my relationship was first" he told me, I nodded. "I'm gonna tell her to fuck off" Brendon said with a laugh, "don't" I said. He looked very confused, "why not?" he asked me. "Because despite how small our apartment is we do have a guest room that we never use" I told him, "and I want them to like me" I muttered. Brendon looked up from his phone, "babe I don't need their approval to love you and neither do you" he told me. "I know, but I still want them to like me" I said, Brendon sighed, "fine, i'll tell them they can stay" he said.

       "When are they coming?" I asked him, laying my head back. "Oh shit tonight" he said, my head shot up. "Fuck Brendon we need to clean up, and probly put some clothes on" I said, jumping up. Brendon stood up, he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Babe I don't wanna, I just wanna cuddle" he whined, kissing my cheek. I did not have time for this, "I know sweetheart, but we gotta" I said, pulling him off me. We quickly got dressed and divided the chores. Brendon got the guest room ready while I picked up all the dirty clothes, then I washed dishes and Brendon dried. When we had finished tidying the rest of the apartment we spent thirty minutes doing our hair. Hey looking this good takes time. Five minutes before his parent where supposed to show up and we looked great. Brendon had on his crocodile green army jacket and a light tangerine orange T-shirt with charcoal black skin jeans. I wore a peacock blue, azure blue and daisy white plaid button down and jade black skin jeans. I picked a mewing Knots up of the ground and put him in my shirt pocket, cuz he's that small. 

       The ear piercing sound of my broken doorbell echoed through my apartment. Brendon kissed me gently. "Deep breath baby, don't be so nervous" he told me before he opened the door. I tried to do what he said, but it was hard when his father's response to my hello was "yek". I did my best to brush this off as we all sat down the the living room. Brendon and I sat down on the couch while his parents sat in the sandy brown chairs on either side of us. Brendon put his arm around me and I could practically hear  the disapproval. "Lovely to, uh.. have you here" I stuttered, why was I so awkward. Brendons father grunted "why on gods green earth do you have a cat in your shirt pocket boy" he demanded. I suddenly remembered that I had a sleeping Knots in my shirt pocket. But instead of getting embarrassed, I got protective of my cat. "Well you see sir, some people do this thing called getting a pet. It's basically where you treat a living creature with love and compassion, but I wouldn't expect you to know anything about that" I said with the best fake smile I could muster. Brendons father was silent, he just sat there, staring at me with pure hatred. He looked like he was about to say something but Brendons mother cut him off. 

      "Ryan won't you be a dear and take our bags to our room?" she suggested. I stood up, "of course ma'am" I said, Brendon stood up too "I'll help you babe" he said. There was a moment of discusted silence at Brendon calling me babe that was quickly broken by Brendons mother. "Brendon stay, you two don't need to be alone in together" she said. Brendon and I both smirked, I could tell we where both thinking of last night. "Mom I live with Ryan, I think I can being alone with him for five minutes" he scoffed. "But you have a roommate so-" Brendon and I cut her off. "No we don't" we sad in unison, she looked pissed "what?" she asked irritably. "Mom it's just us here, we sleep in the same bed" Brendon told her. Brendon's mother made the 'you dun fucked up fucked up face', "you what!? she demanded. I felt Brendon wrap his arm around my waist firmly. "Mother i'm 29, Ryan is my boyfriend, I sleep in the same bed as him. This should not be a surprise" he said, holding me as close as he could. His parents started yelling, Brendon let go of me and I slipped out of the room unnoticed. I put his parents bags in their room, gently tucked Knots into bed (yes our cat gets tucked in fuck off) and stood in the hallway, waiting for the yelling to stop. I waited for a good two minutes, just staring at the wall awkwardly.

      Suddenly the yelling was silenced and replaced with the sound of someone being slapped. My head shot up and I stepped out of the doorway and into the room. Brendon was standing in front of his father, tears pooling in his eyes and his hand clasped over his cheek. I gasped, running to Brendon. His eyes seemed broken, like this had happened before. I turned to his father furiously, "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT FOR YOU BASTARD" I screamed. "Boys like you two need to be reminded of their place from time to time. Brendon seems to have forgotten what the lord put him on this earth to do" he said in a mellotone voice. I balled my fists, rage overcoming me. "That is the most ignorant shit I have ever heard, Brendon likes guys and girls, stop being a shit or leave my home. And I swear to god if you ever hurt him again I will fuck you up" I spat. Brendons mother spoke up, "Darling let's go get settled in" she said. I led Brendon to the kitchen and had him sit on the counter. I took a gray washcloth out of the kitchen drawer and got it wet with cold water. I turned back to Brendon, who had silent tears streaming down his face. I took his hand away from his face, a red mark had formed and was already starting to swell. I held the washcloth to his cheek and wiped his face with my sleeve. "Babe i'm so sorry" I whispered. "I-it's okay" he said, his voice was weak. "No it's not, i'll protect you" I told him, standing on my toes to kiss him.        

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