Sick day

914 18 13

Ryan's P.O.V

   My heart played leapfrog with my lungs. My insides melted. Happy tears where leaking out of my eyes and down my cheeks. Brendon's face turned concerned, "you okay Ry?" he asked, grabbing my hand. I nodded, whipping my face on the back of my hand. "You have no idea how much I've wanted to hear those words" I said, looking at him. His smile went from ear to ear, he held me tighter, kissing me. The spider black and clear thick plastic cat door at the bottom of my dove white door flapped open, my sandstone orange and soot black cat Captain Knots poked his head in and meowed. Knots was a very special cat, he had stripes on his head, legs, and tail. But his back was covered in leopard like spots. Brendon giggled, "who's this" he asked as Knots jumped up onto the bed, poking my legs with his eraser pink nose. I scooped the kitten up in my hand, "this is my cat, Captain Knots, or just Knots" I said. "Knots" I scolded, seeing how muddy he was, "you've been out playing in the mud again" I said, holding the kitten that was barley larger than the palm of my hand. Brendon sat up next to me, keeping his arm around me. "We could give him a bath" he suggested. I smiled, "I would love to, but I have work" I sighed, Bren smiled. "Call in sick" he said, "what!?" I said, astonished. "Call in sick" he repeated. I fought him for a bit, saying that it was wrong to lie like that. But he shut me up with a sweet, passionate kiss, "stay with me" he whispered in my ear.

        I grabbed a towel out of the hall closet, Brendon standing behind me with Knots in his hand. I led Brendon to the bathroom. I turned the water on in the sink, Knots was too small for the bathtub. I tested the water with my hand, adjusting it until it was the right temperature for the kitten, I put the plug down. I set the towel on the counter and took Knots from Brendon. Brendon stood behind me, putting his hand under mine. I smiled, we slowly eased Knots into the warm water, he squirmed and mewed loudly. "Hold him" I told Brendon, taking my hands out of the water. I opened the cupboard above the toilet, taking out a bottle of pet shampoo. I stood next to Brendon, squirted some shampoo in my hands, and started to wash Knots. The water soon turned a muddy brown and Knots was covered in pearly suds. Brendon kissed the back of my neck as he helped me rinse off Knots. I pulled the plug and left Brendon with Knots in his hand again. I grabbed the fluffy candy red towel, holding it out for Brendon to set Knots in. I gently dried Knots, Brendon smiling sweetly and helping me with the fluffy towel. Brendon took the towel from me, wrapping Knots in in like a baby. I gently patted Knots head, ruffling his damp fur. Brendon looked me in the eyes, and I knew that we where both thinking the same thing. Having Knots, and taking care of him like this, it brought us even closer together. 

     We sat back down on our bed, cuddling like we where before, Knots wedging himself in the tiny space between Brendon and I's bodies. Brendon yawned, rolling over slightly, unintentionally squishing Knots a bit. He meowed loudly in distress and frantically moved, Brendon and I had switched roles. Except Brendon was snuggling me much closer, leaving Knots with no room in between us, so he was snuggled in between my neck and my shoulder. I smirked, grabing my phone out of my sweatpants pocket. Brendon was drifting in and out of consciousness, he was such a cute little sleepy boy. "Hey Breny" I said, hoping he wasn't entirely asleep yet and I had just woken him up. He stirred, he and Knots where fighting for who got the most space on my neck. Knots had an advantage, being able to fit his entire body in between my neck and shoulder. But Brendon was wining, giving my neck little kisses and love bites form time to time. "Yeah babe?" he asked, nudging Knots's ass out of his face with his hand. "Can I out us on Twitter?" I asked, he sighed, thinking it over. He shoved Knots over to the other side of my shoulder completely, "knock yourself out baby" he said, nipping my neck playfully. I thought for a bit about how I would do it, since this was only something you got to do once. By the time I had figured out what I wanted to do Brendon was asleep, so was Knots for that matter. 

           I pulled my phone out, I pulled up the camera. It was tough work, taking a picture without waking up my love or my sweet little kitten. But I did it, I got a picture, and a good one at that too. I opened Twitter, god the fandom was going to freak out. I already knew what I was gonna say, 'chilling with my sweet man, he and Captain knots are fighting for cuddle space', I attached the best picture I took. I was a little nervous when I clicked 'Tweet', but I loved him, and I was willing to do anything for him. It hadn't been even a minute when the first response came in, it was from a girl named, 'The milk fic' OH FOR FUCKS SAKE JUST ONCE I WOULD LIKE TO GET AWAY FROM THAT FUCKING FAN FICTION. Any way she said, in all caps 'OKAY ONE ARE YOU TWO DATING?? AND TWO EVEN IF YOU AREN'T YOU'RE TOGETHER AGAIN AND THAT MAKES ME SO HAPPY I COULD CRY', first come first served. '1. Yes we are dating he is the most beautiful human I have ever met and 2. Being with him again makes me so happy I could cry too' I told her, god the internet was going to lose it.

Lonely Moonlight (Ryden)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora