Cuddle weather

574 19 18

Ryan's P.O.V

   I jumped awake when I felt a hand on my stomach, I quickly remembered last night though. Brendon was sleeping peacefully next to me, he truly was beautiful. There was a large window that pretty much took up the entire wall my bed was next to. It had ugly raisin purple drapes that matched the lamp shade and medallion yellow tie-backs. I leaned as far off the bed as I could without leaving Brendon, trying to open the curtains. I tied one back quite nicely, but promptly gave up on the other one. The thunderstorm had left, leaving behind a grey cloudy sky and soft rain. Just like a normal day's weather here in Portland, but colder and less indecisive with a gloomier feeling to it, perfect cuddle weather. I  started to scoot closer to Brendon when I felt hims stir. Shit, I had woken him up. 

          I thought he might be cranky because I woke him up, but he just stretched, put his arm back around me and pulled me as close as we could get. "Mornin'  sunshine" he said sleepily, I shifted so my face was buried in his chest and our legs and feet where tangled. "Mornin' Bren" I said, we stayed like this for a few minutes, just loving being together again. Our cuddles where interrupted by the marimba iPhone ringtone chiming loudly from somewhere in my bed room. "oh fuck, thats my phone" Brendon said, scrabbling out of bed. He frantically searched through the mess of clothes on my floor until he found his leather jacket and viciously pulled his phone out of his pocket. He made a sound like a teenager, you know the one, the agitated "UGH" and the slumped shoulders with the eye roll. He answered it and flopped down on the bed next to me. 

      "Hi Sarah" he said, putting her on speaker phone so I could hear her. "Hi Brendon" she said, "look I felt pretty bad about how we handled the fight last night, where did you go?" she asked. Brendon scoffed, he was pissed at Sarah for the way she had treated him. "Went and stayed at Ryan's place, why do you care" he said. Sarah sounded pissed now to, "you drove all the way to Portland and-" she sighed, "i'm on speaker aren't I?" she asked. "Hi" I said quietly, "hello Ryan" she said irritably. "Look Brendon, all i'm saying is, no hard feelings all right?" she said, sounding almost sorry, Brendon laughed sarcastically. "No hard feelings? Sarah you broke my heart, kicked me out of out home, and stole my babies away from me" he said with the most sarcastic voice he could muster. Sarah exhaled "they're just dogs Brendon, don-" Brendon cut her off, "Just dogs? JUST DOGS? YOU SARAH THEY ARE NOT JUST DOGS THEY ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN MY LIFE SO GOODBYE SARAH YOU CAN KISS MY ASS" he yelled, hanging up the phone. 

        He put his head in his hands and made a sound like Kif from Futurama. I put my hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him. I saw his honey-auburn eyes twinkle through his fingers, oh no. He was like a viper when it came to speed, and he struck. His knees where on ether side of me, his soft watermelon lips pressed against my rubber band pink ones. His left arm wrapped around my waist, his right hand burred in my russet hair. I was in shock at first, still getting used to the fact that he was here, but I had my nerves back withing seconds. I hung my arms around his neck, kissing him back. Our lips parted for breath, "I love you Ryan" he told me. My heart thumped loudly in my ears, my eyes stung, my chest felt like it was full of helium. "I love you too Brendon" I said back, my cheeks tinted the same shade of ballet slipper pink as his. He blushed a deeper shade of cupcake pink, he stuttered and stumbled over the words he was trying to articulate. He sighed and made a face of concentration, "will you, uh- would you..uh, uh" he took a deep breath. "Would you be interested in, mabey, taking me back...romantically?" he asked, looking as if he expected to be hit. My heartbeat was so loud in my ears it almost made me deaf, I felt like my insides where melting. He looked entranced, staring deep into my dark honey eyes. I placed my fingertips under his chin, barley having to lead his lips to mine. Out lips pressed against each others, our noses brushed, Brendon giggled. I leaned back, parting our lips. I nodded shyly as a response to his question, Brendon smiled wildly. 

        He tackled me, hooking his arms under mine. We moved around until we where both comfortable. He was laying on his back with his right arm around me, I was cuddling his chest, my face buried in his neck. "So what do you do for a living these days?" he asked, running his hand through my russet hair. "I, uh bus tables at a dinner near here, and I have a little side job" I said, trying to say the last part quietly. "Whats your side job?" he asked, I felt my cheeks grown hot and flush bouncy ball pink. "" I lowered my voice as much as I possibly could, "exotic dancer" I mumbled.  Brendon laughed loudly, "You're a stripper?" he asked, still laughing. I made a sound of defense, "Hey! I needed that money and busing tables doesn't pay that well you know" I defended myself. Brendon nodded, still smiling "I know, I know. But hey, you should stop doing that, your ass is mine now" he reminded me. I sighed, smelling his leather and hair gel cent, "okay Bren" I told him.  He ruffled my russet hair, he loomed away from me. "You still in touch with Spence and Dallon?" I asked him, eager to change the subject. He nodded, "Spence and Dallon are actually considering coming back..." he paused to think, "you know you could...never mind" he said, shaking his head. I sat up just enough to look him in the eyes, "no, what?" I demanded, he smiled weakly. "If you felt like it...mabey you could stop busing tables and......come back to Panic!" he suggested.

Lonely Moonlight (Ryden)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя