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(the next morning)

    "Who eats burger steak in the morning?" First words came from Adam as I saw him walk out of the room as I shrugged my shoulders.

"Good morning to me," I replied sarcastically as I stabbed on the mushroom with the plastic fork and put it in my mouth and chewed it. "I went out for a quick walk, then went directly to my favourite restaurant. And I haven't eat this for a long time. I got you something too."

"Your walk didn't work. You mean," he said as he took the paper bag from the fast food restaurant. "How did you manage to live like a normal person? In this place?" His question made me scoff. Everybody knew what was happening to me during the time when I wrestled as a fourteen year old bitch. "Telling me wasn't that bad, right."

"I've tried to be a normal person," I said. "But, my mom always pick up a fight with Papa and so I went to the wrong way."

"Wrong way?" If there's something different, it was his attitude. I haven't seen him been this soft for years. I wasn't sure if somebody possessed him or it's just really him. "I haven't seen you wrestle in a wrong way."

"I guess I ruined my own rules," I shrugged. "Never drink, save myself until marriage and don't be an asshole. But, I don't have a choice. That's probably a relief but damn it, I was a military soldier's daughter." Save myself until marriage, some people in my family - especially my mother - judged me because of what I did. It led me into a way where I told myself that I'm not the perfect child that my parents could ask for.

"I never see you as a perfect person," he stated as I stared into his dreamy blue eyes. My mind says, "hopefully he enlightens my shitty world." as he kept on going. "I never see myself as a perfect person as well. Hell, I never see everyone as a perfect person. In fact, you're not the only person who made mistakes here." I sighed and glanced at my food before looking back on his eyes. "We've tried to ask for forgiveness. But, people can be shitty and won't accept your apologies."

    "If Papa's here right now, he would be hella sad because this person that you're looking at right now? Her life sucks ass." I wasn't lying, I knew that my father will be embarrassed because his daughter became somebody that everyone don't like. "But anyways, we need to leave within an hour. So, I need to take a shower." Escaping the serious conversation was probably the most hardest thing. But, I need to do it so no one's gonna end up having a stressful day. 


(few hours after ; Quezon City, Manila ; Casa De La Keans)

   After two years, I came back to my home. The place where I grew up as the youngest girl in the family. Don't get me wrong, I love this place. This is my home, but, my mother was the only one who made me think that this is not my real home.

    I also went through the fact that I never told anyone - not even the Bullet Club members that became my friends - that my father was wealthy. Because, I wanted to have a simple life, I wanted to be a simple girl who needs no money. My father is rich. Like, Vince McMahon rich. But, I never gave a damn about money. Sure why not, I inherited something from him, but I never really touched it. Why would I?

   And when we walked through the gates, Adam questioned me, "Is this really your home?" I let out a chuckle and replied with,

    "Yeah, it is." I didn't even approach the guards as the gates opened automatically, I'm not gonna think about who opened it and I'm sure that the guards did. Within few seconds, two maids were making their ways through us. "Oh, good morning."

    "Good morning po, Ma'am Margaux." I'm not very familiar with the word ma'am before my name. "It's been two years." My smile went wide as I nodded.

    "I'm back," I said. "Andiyan po ba sila? (Are they there?)" I asked, curiosity filled my voice as they both nodded. I was like a dying bulb who immediately exploded when I smiled at Adam. Hearing that they're here makes me smile. "Hey Adam, let's go?" Curiosity turned into excitement, sadness turned into happiness, everything lightened up as I dragged Adam and ran into the door. I knew this is the moment when I said, "I'm back home."

"Margaux!" was the first thing that I've heard when I entered the living room. There was my third sister, Solenn. Solenn Almira LeVoire - Kean.

    She graduated back when she was at Canada

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    She graduated back when she was at Canada. She's not famous back there but she ended up having a medal on her neck. Should I say, she's way too wise than me. "How are you, sis? Haven't see you for a while!" She exclaimed, wide grin was formed on her face. Then her eyes met Adam's. Now, it's gone. "You too."

     I gulped before whispering to her ear, "Please don't make this greeting awkward." She's not just smart, she's overprotective too.

     She smiled again, "Okay, come on in." When she turned around, I shook my head then made our way to the living room. That's when I saw our pictures and the things that we've accomplished. "Andito na sila! (They're here!)" She yelled as I covered my ears. Hearing the footsteps from the stairs as I looked up. My siblings. My siblings!


I can't believe I'm back home.


I know, this chapter is very corny.

Because, I had no idea what else should I write for this chapter.

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