bachelorette | unaware

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'completely unaware, but I don't care'

Orlando, Florida

   "Hey, you're leaving, already?" It's six thirty in the morning, I have to get a coffee. "Margaux? Amour, you there?" I always have that moment when I'm always ask myself how come he's too early to wake up. I don't eat breakfast in the damn table with him. It's not because I feel disgusted about hearing something during midnight. It's because, I'm not on the mood to do anything with him.

    "Well, yeah. I'm gonna go somewhere. Phew, people can be busy sometimes. So, yeah good bye." Leaving the apartment, I made my way into the parking lot at the basement. As soon as I found my car, I quickly entered the driver's seat and sighed. I buckled the seatbelt on before taking a deep breath and gripped on my steering wheel, whispering, "I don't want to cry over that bastard. Geez, somebody please help me."


"Uhm," when I heard a deep voice, I suddenly looked up. "Do you mind-"

"No, not at all." I smiled as he sat down. Few words: he's cute. It means don't mind him. I can now sense cliché. Oh my. I looked down back at the screen of my phone as he cleared his throat, making me look up at him.

"Hello, I'm Samuel. You can call me Sam." He extended an hand as I smiled. He's a gentleman. "I've seen you in a bar before." First of all: if I'm going to a bar, my so called bodyguards will be the reason why. Second of all, yes I think I've seen him before.

    "Oh, yeah

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"Oh, yeah..." I chuckled nervously. "I'm Margaux. But, I'll go with Amour... or Margie." I shook my hand with his. Those dimples? I want to pinch 'em, I thought. "So, what do you do for living?"

"I am actually a trainer at a gym," he replied. Goosebumps, goosebumps oh my goodness. "What about you?"

"Well, I wrestle." His face went from 'really?' into 'oh, that sounds nice'. "I actually wanted to be alone, but, I'm okay to talk to someone." His smile, it's killing me. Damnit, he's... well, comparable to Adam. Not now, Crowley. I've been begging you for a little while. "So, where are we going to start?"

    Our conversation went on, I don't know if I'm going to be thankful because somebody's running out of my mind. I've been enjoying a day like this. I hope I have a day like this. The day when there's no Austin Jenkins or Adam Cole running in my mind. The day when I can finally breathe with a little bit of relief on it. I don't know if he's completely unaware, but I don't care.

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