bachelorette | drunken mind

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'where's my twenty bucks from y'all?'


"Amour, I'm just gonna check it out. Don't feel bad about it," Adam said as I went outside the bathroom at the hotel. I kept on telling everyone in the backstage that it's just a bruise. Excalibur was disappointed but I told him that it's fine. Which is not going to work to Adam, because, he thinks that I'm lying.

"Uh, do you think that letting you see my bruise at my breast will work?" I questioned. "Plus, you're a dude."


"I'm a girl and people might think that you're something.."

"I just want to check it out, not your whatever." He said, crying out. Making reasons huh, I thought and I sighed. I pulled the collar of my shirt down as I showed him the purplish bruise in my chest. He traced it with his finger, making me flinch. "Joey gripped you at the breast tightly?"

"Obviously," I said with matter-of-factly voice. He placed his finger again as I yelped, "Touch it again, I swear to God, Austin Jenkins. I'm gonna kill you." He yanked his hand away as he let out an 'oops'. "I'm just gonna change my clothes, get out of my room." Nine-thirty at the nearest club, as Candice texted to me. This is what they always do when we're leaving then say we'll come back within few weeks / a month. They always drag us into the club.

However, I've managed to control myself the day after when I drink a lot. Plus, they're my friends and colleagues, I love them.


      "Okay, then, we'll give you twenty bucks each

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"Okay, then, we'll give you twenty bucks each." Candice and my two other co-workers told me as I kept on drinking my beer. "But, you're gonna do something. A dare." She winked as I chuckled and put the bottle down.

"I'm ready," I saw Adam leave with some blonde woman with him. Not to mention, she has the body that every girl Adam has brought at my apartment. I knew that there's something inside me that hurts and made me want to drink a lot of beers. Candice doesn't want me to drink but hey, I have to deal with world's stupidity and my jealousy. "I'll do everything." I'm not that tipsy. Unlike the other people, I drink something alcoholic slowly. Slower than snail.

"Okaaaaay, Gaux," She said. "Find a dude - our colleague - and then give him a dance." Wow, that's too much. That's just a sarcasm for me. A smirk was formed at my face as she wiggled her eyebrows. I sighed.

"So, Adam left with his newest bitch, some people have wives and girlfriends.. uhh..." I looked up at the ceiling, as if I was thinking then looked back at her and said, "I found one. Watch and learn, LeRae." I winked before walking off.

The club was occupied by the employees of PWG, the only missing people here were The Bucks (the two guys who never go out to parties like this). As I kept on wandering, I found a steel chair as I took it. When I finally found the man that I need, I smiled to myself before walking near to him and his friends.

"Hey Chuck," I spoke up, making him snap his head to me and smile was formed on his face. "Listen, I kinda need you to do me a favour. Will you help me?"

I dragged him in the middle of the dance floor, I saw Candice holding a microphone. God, does she really have to do this? "Alright ladies and gents, if you guys didn't know, Lola and I made a little bit of deal. I'm pretty sure you guys will help right?" I unfolded the steel chair as Dustin sat there. I took a deep breath. Well, I hope this turns so well.


Everybody have the shocked face as they witnessed their colleague, Margaux dance in front of Dustin.. much like lap dance as they called it. They only know that Margaux don't like dancing. Deep inside, Margaux was a big fan of dancing, but, she doesn't dance when somebody's around.

When the song ended, she was panting heavily as she was trying to take a good and deep breaths. It's for the bet, right? She thought as the crowd clapped their hands, most of them were whistling. She whispered at Dustin's ear, "Thanks for the help, Chuckie." She stood up and walked back into the table where LeRae was sitting.

"Did I win the dare?"

"You did."

"So, where's the twenty bucks from y'all?" She asked with a grin as LeRae gave her another bottle of beer. They were drinking continuously until she felt the tipsy feeling. An hour after, LeRae ended up calling her tag team partner and asked for help. She needed his help due to the fact that Margaux was wasted. Margaux was questioning her existence.

"Don't make me go into my room," Margaux slurred. "I'm gonna distract Adam from doing something with that blonde bitch. HE DOESN'T KNOW EVERYTHING!" Candice was far from being a deaf, although Margaux screams a lot when drunk. However, she's confused when Margaux said that Adam doesn't know everything. She's drunk, Candice thought.

"I'm all fucked up, I guess." When they got into LeRae's hotel room, Candice laid her down at the couch as she assisted the drunk girl to remove her shoes. "My life is aaaaaaall fucked up."

"It's not," Candice said before placing a blanket on her friend's body. "Go to sleep, Gaux. You have a flight tomorrow at 12."

"It is. He doesn't know that he means a lot to me. But I guess he was busy banging somebody better than me." Margaux was drunk, but she's brutally honest about him. Candice told herself that Margaux needs to rest and forget about the drunken mind that Margaux has.


I'm tired so K bye.


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