Chapter 22: The Forest Moon of Endor

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A note from your humble author: Are your butts secure? If not, well you better hold on!
~Pilot Names, Callsigns, Ship Names, and Squadrons~
Poe Dameron - Callsign: Black Leader - Ship - Black One - Squadron Black
Rey - Callsign: Grey Wolf - Ship - Grey Wolf - Squadron Black
Ben Solo - Callsign: Black Knight - Ship - Black Wolf - Squadron Black
Jessika Pava - Callsign: Blue Three - Ship - Blue Three - Squadron Blue
Temmin "Snap" Wexley - Callsign: Blue Leader - Ship - Blue One - Squadron Blue
Nien Nunb - Callsign: Red Leader - Ship - Red One - Squadron Red
Lieutenant Bastian - Callsign: Red Four - Ship - Red Four - Squadron Red

According to my researching on Wookapedia, I couldn't find ship names for Jessika, Snap, Nien Nunb, or Bastian, so for the sake of the story, I'll name their ships the same as their Callsigns.

For Snap he's a Captain and he's in blue squadron, but other than that I couldn't find much about him so for the sake of the story he'll just be Blue Leader, piloting Blue One.

Red Squadron hasn't come up much in this story so far, and I haven't previously named any of the Red Squadron pilots directly, but I know of Lieutenant Bastian whose callsign is Red Four, and Nien Nunb who is also currently a pilot for red squadron in the resistance, you might remember him as Lando's co-pilot friend from ROTJ. Considering how long he's been around I felt he deserved to be Red Leader.

And there will be other unnamed pilots ::coughredshirtscough::


Everyone was gathered in the War Room to hear Admiral Ackbar's final stratagem debriefing. The Forest Moon of Endor would be a very different situation than the one they faced on Jakku. The First Order's reclamation facility operated on a much larger base of operation than they had on Jakku. The facility would be far too large and too heavily occupied to go in with a small band of liberators to free any slaves. They would have no choice but to shut down the entire First Order operation, starting with the outside opposition. The most threatening, of course, being one of their Resurgent-class Star Destroyers, the Regent, which was currently patrolling the orbit around Endor. They would have to take out the Star Destroyer before they could send in ground forces.

"If Blue Squadron can focus torpedo fire towards the stern of the star destroyer for long enough we should be able to temporarily disable their shields. Finn, what intelligence can you offer us on this destroyer?" asked Admiral Ackbar.

Finn had been in many meetings lately about the Regent's vulnerabilities and was certain he had the information they needed. He hobbled on his cane to the front of the War Room. Poe flashed him an encouraging smile, knowing Finn was nervous to be put in such a position of authority.

"Like the Finalizer, the Regent is powered by eleven engines, which require a subsidiary reactor, which is the primary hypermatter-annihilation reactor, seen here," he said, using his cane to point at the projection that Admiral Ackbar brought up, showing a dome-shaped reactor containment vessel located on the ships underbelly. "Now, naturally this is protected by a reinforced reactor superstructure and hull chassis, but," he added, as the Admiral zoomed in the image. "If you observe this area here, the hull is surprisingly thin compared to the rest of the chassis. A direct hit with a Proton Torpedo would rend the hull and expose the reactor. A second hit, fired directly into the breach of the hull should make easy contact with the exposed reactor, causing a cataclysmic reaction that would disable all eleven of the ships engine, and, if we're lucky, the reaction will spread to the ships shield generators, permanently disabling them before they have time to reactivate them, allowing our pilots free access to finish taking out the ship from the outside."

He looked around the room for nervous approval as he finished his presentation. Poe jumped to his feet and started clapping, and eventually everyone was excited and onboard with the plan.

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