Chapter 5: When Hunter becomes Hunted

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He could tell that she had been in deep mediation and that she had not slept in days because her dreams had not been open to him. Which meant only one thing; Skywalker had already set her to the task of building her own light saber.

It struck him as being very soon; she couldn't have been with his old master for more than a year, which undoubtedly meant that she was even stronger in the force, and more quick to learn, than he had previously determined. Again, he seethed with rage to know that such a strong and worthy force potential had fallen into the hands of his greatest enemy. He envisioned her with the blue or green saber of a Jedi and tore apart half of his training room in disgust.

He swore that tonight he would finally catch her in her dreams.

But she did not sleep that night. She should have been exhausted from so many days of forging her saber, but something was wrong. First a great sadness and confusion, then joy, and an exhilarating raw surge of power, and then he could feel her crippling sadness, anger, and anxiety.

He patiently lay awake in his bed, staring out his window as the Finalizer sped past countless star systems, waiting to finally reunite with her in their shared dreams – and then he felt – nothing.


There was no time, no space, no matter, no darkness, and no light – there was only existence and peace. Was this death? What a beautiful death it was! Gone was her pain, her loneliness, her sadness, her uncertainties. Gone also were her passions, her hopes, her aspirations, her desires. There was no weight upon her shoulders. No limitations to her being. She was everything, she was everyone, she was the universe, one, whole, complete. Light and dark were so clearly the same and she was a part of everything that ever was and that ever would be.

And then she felt them, all those who had walked her path before, long long ago – those who had walked the path of the Grey. Their thoughts, their emotions, their dreams, their lives, their deaths, and all that they had known, and finally when all of their collective consciousnesses had poured through her soul – she was reborn.


A stab of terror and panic had seized Luke when he watched her disappear into the silver light, but before he could fully seize what he had felt, the force in the chamber reacted like a sonic boom all around him. He could feel it flowing through him from the center of the temple, like a tidal wave crashing over him, and it was then that he knew she was alive, but that she would never be the same again.

He stayed and he waited. He knew she would return, and the hours flew by without him even being aware of how long it had truly been. He refused to look away from the light until she returned.

At last the silver light flashed so brightly that he was forced to shield his eyes. When he finally could see into the temple again – there she was.

Her eyes! He would never forget the look in her eyes when she stepped forward from the grey circle into the white circle. Her eyes that day in the temple would haunt him for the rest of his life. He said nothing as she passed beyond the black circle and walked silently through the arches. He followed her to the surface.

The sun had nearly risen to its highest point of the day.

"Rey?" he finally asked, as she stood and looked out into the ocean. She suddenly blinked, and it occurred to him that it had probably been the first time she had even blinked since emerging from the light. She turned her head back to look at him, as if she were seeing him for the first time. He could both see and feel an overwhelming sense of peace radiating from her entire being. She let out one contented sigh, and crumpled to the ground.

Luke carried her back to the Falcon, where he then returned them to their island, and up the long stairway to her dwelling where he placed her into her bed and covered her carefully. He could tell that she was only asleep, and he could also sense that it was the most peaceful sleep she had ever known. He desperately wanted to know all that she could impart to him about her experience in the temple, but he knew she had to be exhausted and he would not dare disturb her.

She slept through the remainder of the day, and the entire proceeding night. While she slept through the day she had only known peace, but at night, he came.


The black beast sniffed into the wind, his paws treading gently in the snow. Her scent was not in the air, but he could feel her. Like a phantom she seemed to be everywhere and nowhere at once, in frustration he howled into the night sky.

Suddenly he could distinctly feel her direction and he immediately gave chase. He could not see her this time, but he knew where she would be; the same spot where he cornered her every time, but this time he would catch her, this time he would claim his prize.

He bounded over rocks, fallen trees, and hills of snow, until at last he found it, the dead-end near a towering rock formation where he had trapped her countless times...but she was not there. He growled and sniffed the air, when suddenly the direction of the wind changed, and he looked up and there glowed the eyes of the grey beast.

It leapt down from the rocks before him and bared its teeth in a ferocious snarl. Their eyes locked, their fur stood on end, they began to circle each other, snapping and growling, and then, they lunged for each other.


Kylo Ren woke up; his heart thundering in his chest, gasping for breath, his hands shaking as he tossed aside his sweat drenched covers.


A note from your humble author: ooooooooo shit's about to get real!

::jangles tin cup:: Reviews?! Reviews please! Will write for reviews!

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