Chapter 20: A Trade

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Fresza Ren answered the urgent holovid call from Rando Calrissian.

"Has the resistance discovered you?" she asked.

"No, but the general has sent someone to investigate the freighters and my staff. It's not Luke Skywalker as we anticipated."

"Who is it?"

"His young female apprentice, she's here alone. Do you know of her?"

"You are certain she is alone?" she asked ignoring his question. Fresza Ren knew exactly who Rey was, she had fought her before. The Knights of Ren, having no knowledge of the concept of Grey Jedi, continued to assume that Rey was Luke Skywalker's padawan, but recent encounters showed them that she was far above the skill level of any student. To them, she was a Jedi, and just as dangerous as Luke Skywalker.

Fresza also knew that Rey was behind the abduction of Kylo Ren from the Finalizer, and that the resistance had helped her. The Supreme Leader had assured the Knights of Ren that Kylo Ren was still alive, and that he wanted his capture at any cost. He also wanted the female, but if she could not be taken alive, he would have her dead.

"Yes, she's alone. She has not discovered me, and thanks to the deception masking you've taught me, I have her complete trust. I know that she would be very valuable to the First Order. I could drug her and capture her alive, or if you prefer, I can poison her, and rid you of her entirely, but first you must meet my price," he demanded.

"Go on."

"I will give you the Jedi woman Rey in exchange for my father. I believe taking one of the resistance's Jedi would be far more devastating to them than the loss of a few supply freighters."

He had a big bargaining chip, indeed, but it wasn't just his father that he would be gaining. If he received his father he would have no reason to continue to let the First Order confiscate or destroy the resistance's supply chain. The First Order placed no intrinsic value on the life of Lando Calrissian, this would be a trade of a powerful Jedi warrior, for the right to continue his operation of supporting the resistance scum.

Fresza Ren was not without her ambitions, a power vacuum had taken place amongst the Knights of Ren since Kylo Ren turned traitor and the Supreme Leader had not yet chosen a new commander from his remaining knights. She suspected treachery, as was her nature, but she knew Rando Calrissian would do anything for the life of his father, and the Jedi female would be a far better prize in the eyes of her master than a blockade.

"Very well then, you have a deal. Bring her to me alive and I will exchange her life for your fathers'. Try all! And I will kill him, and you. Do I make myself clear?"

"I understand. When?"

"Tomorrow," she replied and closed the communication.


Rando ran his hands nervously over his face and swiveled his chair to face Rey who had been sitting where she would not been seen through the holovid.

"I hope this plan works," he said, and she could sense the panic and worry pouring from him.

"We can do this," she said as she tried to assure him. "Do you have it?"

She watched as Rando reached into his desk and handed her a small wooden box. When she opened the box she saw the orange vial of liquid nestled inside.

"Where's Ben?" he asked.

"Sulking. He's not entirely a fan of this idea. He thinks I'm putting myself too close to danger."

"He's still going to help, right? We can't make this happen without him!"

"Don't worry, he's in. He's just worried about me."

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