Chapter 4: The Silver Light

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It infuriated him not knowing what was going on. He had been in another one of Hux's long monotonous meetings when it happened.

How he hated that man! He didn't need to be there, but as a commander he was required to be present. He would pass the time in silence, sometimes thinking of inventive ways he would like to murder the ginger general, but often times just thinking of her.

He could feel stress and anxiety seeping through the bond, more so than usual. He wondered what trials Skywalker was putting her though and fought back a simmer of rage at the thought of his old master. She was his! She should be his to train! The force gave her to him! And he believed that to the very depths of his soul. What Jedi filth was he filling her head with? A bunch of nonsense about peace and serenity, no doubt. His hands tightened into fists until the leather of his gloves creaked. One of the admirals at the meeting cast a wary eye in his direction; even a non-force-sensitive could feel the volatile atmosphere around Kylo Ren.

Then he felt it, he felt her piercing terror, and he could hear her voice cry out. Suddenly, he sprang up from his seat, upending his chair, which made a loud smash against the floor. An immediate hush fell over the officers as all rose and jumped back from the table, terrified of what he would do, and wondering what had been said that had set him off. Even General Hux stared with his mouth gaping.

Without a single word, he turned and stormed out the door. He thought he heard the ruddy general call after him; "Ren? What is the meaning of..." but he ignored him and stormed back to his private quarters.

What had happened? What had he felt? Was she hurt? Did something attack her? Was she in a fight? He searched across the bond and sensed a feeling of relief mixed with dissipating fear coming from her. She had nearly dodged some disaster; of that much he was certain. Suddenly he could only see red as he shouted in frustration and pulled out his saber and began hacking apart the sofa in his room - his third sofa that month. This was Skywalkers fault! He was botching her training. He would be the ruin of her, just as he had ruined him.

He tried to push back into her through the bond, he wanted to know; instead she gave him nothing and put up barriers against him, rejecting him again, pushing him away. The thought that she would cling to that idealistic old fool, even at the cost of her own life, and all her great potential, just made him rage even harder. It was a waste! A waste!

He vowed that he would take her away from Skywalker, if it was the last thing he did.


Master Luke had no answer for her. "I will need to meditate on this," was all he said, as he laid down the food and water he had brought for her and disappeared into the hills.

For the rest of the day she walked up and down the beach feeling the weight of her double-bladed saber in her hand. At first she was afraid to turn it on again, but the song of the kyber crystal within it seemed to be pleading with her to once again feel the power that she now could wield. At last she powered it on and allowed herself to look on it again. It was frightening, but beautiful, she couldn't deny it. The black metal of the hilt as glossy as a mirror, and the white beams begged to sing as she moved the blades through the air, the hum of their movement sweeter than any music.

She practiced the seven martial stances for defense with an air of grace that she had never managed with Anakin Skywalker's more traditional saber. When she moved into the patterns for offence, she could feel an exhilarating flow of power from the force move throughout her whole body. She had never felt so alive, so strong, so in control. Her weapon felt not just like an extension of her body; it felt like an extension of her soul.

She practiced her forms with the saber until the sun was fading into the water on the horizon. She had barely noticed the passage of time until she heard her master's voice.

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