Chapter 4: The Silver Light

Start from the beginning

"Rey, come with me."

She followed him back into the hills, she wasn't sure exactly where he was leading her to, but she could sense a great weight of dread from her master, and it filled her heart with fear and sadness.

This was it! Her saber had failed the test, it was all wrong, she was all wrong. She knew he was probably going to tell her that her training was over and to pack up and leave. She wouldn't even be able to stand the disgrace of returning to the resistance as a failure, she would never be able to hold up her head after such a shame. Everyone would be so let down. They would never want to see her again anyway. They would think she was no better than him. As she followed silently in Luke's footsteps she tried to swallow a bitter pill.

"This is it! There is nothing for me now, but to return to Jakku and rot!" she thought.

"Rey, please sit down," he motioned towards a log in front of a campfire. She hadn't even noticed that they had arrived. "There is something that we must discuss."

She felt her heart pound in her chest but she sat obediently, trying to fight back the tears that were only a moment away.

Luke sat down on another log across from her, clasping his hand with his robotic hand and leaning forward in a pragmatic manner. "Rey, I do not believe you are meant to be a Jedi."

That was it; there was no stopping them now. She stared stonily into the fire as the tears streamed down her cheeks. Her heart broken, her world shattered. A moment ago she had lived in a dream, a dream too beautiful to be true, but it wasn't true. It had only ever been just a beautiful dream, and nothing more.

Luke continued. "There is both light and dark within you. The saber forged of your own force signature is proof that you have no allegiance to one side or the other. But, I stand by what I said before. I do not believe that makes you evil, but it does mean you cannot walk the path of a true Jedi. No...but there is another path."

"I will never turn to the darkside!" she shouted as she jumped to her feat. "I would die first! I would never let myself become a monster. I will never be like him!"

"I didn't mean the path that leads to the darkside," he corrected.

She just froze and stared confusedly at him.

"She needs your guidance now, and so do I," he called out.

Just when she was beginning to wonder if her master was losing his mind – she heard them.

"Rey...the force is with you," spoke the distinguished voice of a shimmering blue apparition of a man in Jedi robes, with a short groomed beard.

"A Jedi, you are not. A sith, you are not," spoke a much smaller Jedi, who clutched a gnarled stick in his tiny alien hands.

"The first temple, you've long suspected its purpose. It could be her only way," spoke a very tall Jedi.

"We don't know what it will do. We've only speculated about what it was for," argued Luke. "It is not a risk to be taken lightly."

Finally finding her voice; "The temple?" Luke had told her it was best left undisturbed. She had suspected because it was some sort of Jedi holy ground, and she had never dared to press the matter.

"These are my old masters; Master Obi-wan, Master Yoda, and my father; Anakin Skywalker," Luke introduced.

"Anakin Skywalker!" she gasped. The man who had been Luke's father and Kylo Ren's grandfather had always been an enigma to her. Luke spoke of his light, but she had seen in Kylo Ren's mind that he idolized the darkness that had once existed in this vision of the man who now stood before her. She suddenly yearned to speak with him, to have him answer her questions, but now was apparently not the time. He seemed to give her a knowing look, as if he could sense what she was thinking.

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