I Think i'm in love with my Best Friend. One Problem: My Best Friend Is a GIRL! (12)

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Recap: My mum fell asleep on the chair near the window and I slowly let sleep take over me while I tried my hardest to remember what happened after I got home from school today... it was completely blank, pure nothingness... I was exhausted and soon enough I was catching some Z's.


Chapter Twelve



I was in the waiting room for my therapist to call me in; I had been waiting for over ten minutes now and wondering where the hell the damn therapist is! Has he died in there?! Jeez! Someone opened the door to the therapist's room, speak of the devil....

"Eva" he smiled "Please come in" I stood and walked in to the room, It had a beige carpet, ivory walls, brown velvet curtains, brown side tables, brown leather sofa and a brown leather chair next to the sofa. I took a seat on the sofa and made myself comfortable.

"Hello Eva, My name is John" he said taking a seat in front of me on the chair.

"Hey" I said not paying much attention and looking around the room and out the window at the beautiful view he had; he noticed me looking out the window and looked toward the view himself.

"Beautiful view, isn't it?" he said smiling, I smiled back and nodded.

"Now" he said "Shall we get started?"

"Sure" I said dreading it already "what I gotta do?"

"Well first I want to try and bring your memory back by looking at some photos that your mother brought by today and gave me earlier"

Aha my mum had mentioned some photos of me and Kyra... I can't see that girl being my best friend... it's just so strange that I would forget her.

"OK..." I said waiting for him to show me the pictures, he lifted and envelope off the little cabinet beside him and opened it taking the first picture out and handing me it.

"I want you to tell me what you see in each picture and tell me if you have any memory of that particular day." He said holding a finger over his mouth and looking focused on me. I looked down at the photo and began to explain it.

"I see... Me and the girl Kyra..." I studied it a little more "We're in a crowd somewhere and it's kinda dark... I see a huge sign in the background but... what does that say? General Fiasco... General Fiasco! I went to see General Fiasco! Holy crap! I love that band! Shit! I can't remember it sorry" I was a little disappointed, one of my favourite bands and I can't even remember seeing them...

He handed the next photo to me with out a word. I looked down and studied it.

"In this one I see me and Kyra again and we're in a room... I don't recognise the room... it's pretty cool though!" I laughed and looked up, he opened his mouth to speak and then he closed it again "What?" I said

"Your mother told me that was Kyra's room" he said, I looked down at the photo again and I looked at mine and Kyra's face.

We looked real happy, like as if we were best friends, I had my arm around her and I was smiling at the camera and Kyra was smiling at me... I felt bad... we really were best friends and I just went and forgot her... I don't know what I would do if my best friend forgot about me, I wouldn't be able to handle it!

I passed the photo back as a tear left my eye; I wiped it away quickly before John could see it and he passed me another photo.

"There are many photos but we only have half an hour and I want to get started on another exercise so this will be the last photo we look at today." He said, I took the photo from him and I looked at the scenery.

I Think I'm in Love With My Best Friend, One Problem: My Best Friend is a GIRL!?!Where stories live. Discover now