I Think i'm in love with my Best Friend. One Problem: My Best Friend Is a GIRL! (8)

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Recap: A tear fell from my eye and landed on my hand and I began to breathe strangely, what was happening to me? I'm completely losing it. How are we going to get through this? I needed her more than anything. Who was going to protect me and warn me about guys? Who was going to bring the Ben and Jerry's ice-cream when my heart was broken? Who was going to heal my heart? I stopped and thought about it for a minute. Why was I always thinking about myself? I hadn't once stopped and thought about Eva in this situation. This was possibly her first heartbreak and she probably feels worse than ever. Who was going to fix her heart?


Chapter Eight

Is it a crush or is it Love?


That night I lay in bed and stared at the ceiling, the whole day my mum and I had watched movies although I wasn't really watching them, I might have been staring at the TV but if my mum were to ask me what happened in the movie, I couldn't be able to tell her a damn thing about it.

So as I lay staring at the ceiling I thought about tomorrow, I was nervous, so, so nervous. I wonder if Kyra had been thinking about me. Does she miss me as much as I miss her or does she have a new best friend already? I wonder does she ever think about me the way I think of her; does she ever think that I could be the "one" for her, the only reason she doesn't think about me like that is because I'm a girl, but if she could just get past sexuality and really think about what we could be together. What if I was just confused about my sexuality and what I'm feeling towards her is just a crush? I think I'm going crazy! I'm just so confused about all of this! I need to stop running from the damn truth! I know that what I m feeling isn't a crush, its more than that, it's defiantly love. I just wish she felt the same because I think sooner or later, I'm not going to be able to hold back and I'll end up getting lovesick and going freaking nuts!

I felt like phoning her and just talking to her, I really just wanted to hear her voice so badly; maybe I can hear her voice, I could just phone her and not talk. I lifted my phone of the dresser, god I hope I wasn't about to make things worse. I went into my contacts list and found Kyra's name, I stared at her name wondering if I should press "Call" or not.

Five minutes went by and I was still staring at my phone.

Ten minutes.

Thirteen minutes.

Fifteen minutes. I pressed call.



When I had got home from school I was exhausted, a few people had asked me about Eva and if it was true she was a lesbian/bisexual today, I honestly didn't know what to tell them so I just ignored them. Now hear I was sitting on my bedroom floor torturing myself with pictures of me and Eva when we were kids. I didn't really know what to do anymore, if I should just stop being friends with her all together or if we should make up and try to forget about her love for me; although let's face it, once your in love with someone you cant just forget it so easily and go back to being friends but I didn't want to lose Eva either. Why me? Why does it have to be MY best friend who falls in love with me? I'm completely sick of love! People tell me they love me but their lying and then my best friend tells me she loves me and I almost have a stroke! How the fuck am I supposed to deal with that?! I think I'm just going to leave it for a while, I should just let her cool off for a few days and maybe... hopefully she changes her mind about me. Yeah, I'll do that. My phone started ringing and it played my ringtone "Sinking Ships" by General Fiasco, now that was one awesome song! I smiled at the memory of Eva and I going to see them in concert, she carried me half way home because I got so damn drunk.

I Think I'm in Love With My Best Friend, One Problem: My Best Friend is a GIRL!?!Where stories live. Discover now