I Think i'm in love with my Best Friend. One Problem: My Best Friend Is a GIRL! (14)

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Recap: Later on when I finished looking at all the photos, I cried... I cried because I wanted to have what all the pictured had... I wanted to be happy with Kyra and be able to know her just like she knows me... I wanted to be able to fall in love with her again and yet I know that that would take years to do.


Chapter Fourteen

Going in for the first kiss... miss!


I woke up today nervous and excited... I was going to Eva's today s yes, I am excited but the reason I'm nervous is because what if she doesn't want to see me?

Jeez this is what you get for having a friend with amnesia!

Its gunna be like that movie 50 first dates all over again!

I got up and got dressed... I was going to leave the house at around two O'clock.

I wonder did she like my poem... did she get my poem?

God I don't think I have been this excited to see Eva in ages... well I mean not that I wasn't excited to see her before but this time she's different... maybe now that she's different she wont like me?

I wonder if she's going to school on Monday... will she wont to hang out tomorrow, Sunday?... I really need to stop swamping my brain with all these questions! I'll just ask her when I see her.

I went down stairs and had breakfast, eggs and bacon... that's Eva's favourite!


I stood outside Eva's house... here goes... I knocked the door and her mum answered straight away with a smile.

"Kyra" she breathed "I'm glad you came, come on in" she said opening the door wider for me to walk through and into the hall, I looked around hoping to maybe see Eva; she wasn't around.

"She's up stairs" she said noticing that I was looking for her.

I smiled and thanked her before running on up to Eva's bedroom. I slowly opened the door getting more nervous and then I popped my head round the door.

WOW!! What the hell happened to her room! Someone done some serious cleaning in here! And it's re-decorated! It's freaking cool! I love it.

I walked into the room and looked around... hold on, where the hell is Eva?

She must have gone out for a minute, I decided to wait in her room for her and I took advantage that she was gone to look around.

I went over to her little white desk and seen an envelope, I know I shouldn't open it because it illegal to open other peoples letters but it was already opened and I could see that the only thing in it was photos, I took the photos out and looked through them; they were of Eva and me! She has been thinking about me, I smiled at the thought of it and then I noticed that on the wall just next to the window she had stuck up our photo booth pictures. Do you think maybe she remembers me now?

"Ahem" I heard coming from behind me. I jumped out of my skin and dropped the photos all over the floor, gee smooth move Kyra!

I looked up at Eva apologetically and she burst out laughing, what the hell is she laughing at? Who cares! Its god to see a smile on her face! I started laughing along with her and she came over to me then sat on the floor and started gathering the pictures up, I did the same.

"Hey" I said smiling at her, she looked up and smiled back though she looked a little embarrassed.

"Hey" she replied and looked down again.

I Think I'm in Love With My Best Friend, One Problem: My Best Friend is a GIRL!?!Where stories live. Discover now