I Think i'min love with my Best Friend. One Problem: My Best Friend Is a GIRL!(3)

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Recap: "Charlie" she whispered and she let a huge smile flow across her beautiful face while mine made the exact opposite and I felt like crying a little after seeing how happy she was to see a loser like him.


Chapter Three


"Eva, he's here! How do I look?" she smiled and she looked as excited as a puppy when its master comes home. I didn't really know what to say, I mean she looked great but for a while I thought she was over him. I guess I was wrong.

"Kyra... I thought you were over him, he's a loser! I mean don't you remember what he did to you just last night?" I said it in a hurry because she kept looking over at Charlie who was now in the pool with his friends and I didn't want him seeing Kyra looking at him like that and letting him know she wanted him back. She looked at me again and then blinked.

"Of course I remember what he did but that doesn't stop me from loving him Eva, he was the one and no matter what I'll always love him, he was perfect for me." She said while letting her eyes flow back to Charlie.

I felt a little jealous about what she had just said about him being perfect for her and that he was the one.

"Kyra! He's a total player! Of course he was perfect for you, he sees a girl, he likes the girl, he gets information on the girl, he finds out what type of guys the girl likes and then he becomes that guy! Once he's bored with being that guy he will drop you like a penny on the street without an explanation!" I was getting irritated that she hadn't already figured this out; I told her from the start he was a player.

"Oh my God, he's looking over here! He sees us." She obviously hadn't listened to one word I had just said.

"Eva! He's coming over, he's coming over." She said and then she pretended to look cool as Charlie approached.

"Oh no he isn't, I'm not finished talking to you Kyra." I turned around just as Charlie was mid speaking.

"Hey Kyr..." I interrupted him before he could finish what he was about to say.

"Charlie, fuck off, I'm talking to Kyra and I'll deal with you later!" I gave him devil eyes and glared at him until he had slowly backed away knowing not to say anything or I would pounce on him and break his neck. I turned back to Kyra and she had her mouth hanging open looking shocked.

I closed her mouth with my hand and glared at her.

"Kyra you need to get some closure. You can't take guys back after they do something like that"

"Well what ever happened to second chances?! He could have been coming over here to apologise!" she said

"You have endless amounts of second chances Kyra! And you're darn right he was coming over here to apologise; so he could get back with you and play all over again!"

"He wouldn't play me all over again Eva because he didn't play to start with!" she was getting angry again

"OK, you know what fine, get back together with him but just let me do something first." She smiled as if she had won, oh just you wait Kyra.

I waved Charlie and his friends back over, they swam over to us and smiled, Charlie was heading in the direction of Kyra to say his apology speech no doubt and break her heart again.

"Hey guys" I smiled looking at Charlie and the rest of his little heart breaking gang.

"Hey" they said in unison and smiled back.

I Think I'm in Love With My Best Friend, One Problem: My Best Friend is a GIRL!?!Where stories live. Discover now