I Think i'min love with my Best Friend. One Problem: My Best Friend Is a GIRL!(5)

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Recap: "Hey babe" came Charlie's voice behind us, I rolled my eyes, my day can't get any better I said to myself sarcastically.

"Hey, I'll catch you later" I said to Kyra while smiling at her and throwing dagger eyes at Charlie as he leaned down and kissed her.


Chapter Five


I was walking down the hall way towards the canteen for lunch when all of a sudden I felt someone grabbing my arm and pulling me into the nearest classroom. What the fuck? Who does this person think they are pulling me around like ragdoll?!

I turned to see none other than Charlie himself

I should have known, nearly every girl in the school is his fucking ragdolls and he treats them like fucking shit.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I said

"Teaching you a fucking lesson" he replied

I walked over to one if the desks and sat on top of it. "Teach away, Mr. Teacher." I said with a smirk.

"Wipe the fucking smirk of your face, bitch and you listen to me." He said pointing his finger in my face "You ever pull a stunt like that pitiful punch you threw at me and embarrass me in front of my friends again and I'll break her heart beyond repair"

He was obviously talking about Kyra f course.

"Pitiful? You call that punch pitiful?" I started to laugh "I knocked you off your feet and you started splashing around like a baby who couldn't swim" I said laughing again before I continued talking "and hey, I fixed her heart just fine every other time one of you loser guys broke it, it won't be anything I can't handle the next time." I said standing up in front of him now and looking into his eyes.

"You caught me off guard when you punched me" he said back while glaring at me "I didn't feel a thing and you may have fixed her heart for loser boys but I'm no loser boy Eva, I know what I'm doing and I can crush her to pieces" he smiled as if that was something to be proud of. This guy can not get anymore big headed.

"Try it" I dared him getting in his face.

"Be careful what you wish for" he said and then he added on "Unless you're wishing for me" he said with a cocky grin on his face.

Wtf?! Is he seriously coming on to me?! He's dating my best friend! He hates me and I hate him and now he's coming on to me! This dude has fucking issues!

I lifted my hand to slap him across the face but just as my hand and his face were about to collide he grabbed my hand by the wrist and squeezed it tightly.

"I was expecting that" he said with a smirk on his face and then he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me closer to him, I struggled to get free.

"Let go of me, you asshole!" I said struggling

He pushed me up against the classroom wall and crushed his lips to mine. He was holding both my hands above my head against the wall and then he forced his tongue into my mouth. That's when I thought of the most perfect and pleasuring idea of all.

I lifted my leg and kneed him where it would hurt. He pulled away suddenly and moaned in pain before crouching down on the floor with a pained look on his face.

"Fucking perv, Have a nice lunch" I said while walking to the door.

"You tell Kyra about this and you'll be sorry!" he said in a pained voice

"Yeah, I've heard that one before" I said leaving and closing the door behind me


I walked up beside Kyra in the line for the buffet food at the canteen.

"Hey, why are you so late to Lunch?" she said while looking at the wrist that I was rubbing because Charlie had hurt it.

"I'll tell you when we're sitting" I said looking around and making sure Charlie wasn't here yet. He wasn't

When we got to the top of the line I got burger and chips and a diet coke, Kyra got the same. Then we took our seats.

"So, why were you late to lunch?" she repeated her earlier question

"Charlie was talking to me" I said while looking at her

"Oh god you guys didn't have another fight did you?"

"Kyra, I swear to you now he started it!"

"You know what Eva, I really don't care who started it because I love you both and I just wish you would at least try for my sake to get along with him!" she was kind of hot when she was angry you know.

"What?! I was walking down the hall minding my own business when all of a sudden he pulled me into a classroom and he started shouting at me and then he hit on me and he tried to kiss me Kyra!"

He looked shocked at what I had said, I suppose it would be hard to find out your boyfriend was coming on to your best friend.

"I can't believe you would lie..."

"I know! I can't believe he did..." I stopped and finally took in what she said "Wait! What?! You think I'm lying?!" I said

"I know you're lying Eva! All you try to do is split us up" she said

"I am not lying!" I defended myself

"You know what? Lets forget it, I'll pretend you never said that to me Eva because I really don't want to fight with you right now" she looked down at her food and started picking at a few chips. I stared at her for a while and then I finally looked away and started eating my own food.

We ate in silence.



Really short chapter I know! Like the shortest I ever had! But I'm gunna put the next chapter up straight away after this one!

I'll start writing it now :)

I Think I'm in Love With My Best Friend, One Problem: My Best Friend is a GIRL!?!Where stories live. Discover now