Chapter 14 - Family business

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Chapter 14 – Family business

I had lived at Alec's place for a week now, and it still amazed me how comfortable I felt here. Every morning Alec disappeared for his run, while I had taken to swimming in the pool as my exercise. That pool was turning into an addiction I couldn't quite tame.

Explaining to my parents that over the space of a weekend I had moved in with a male stranger they didn't know took some effort. When I told them that he had sent me all those flowers the frowns only deepened.

Alec had promised to meet them by taking them out to dinner. His work had taken up the whole week, so he insisted on a Friday night barbecue. Now that the moment had arrived, I grew nervous. With mum and dad coming here to Alec's, it only increased my edgy anxiety.

I dressed with care, not wanting dad to use my outfit as an excuse to show that we were more than roommates. The truth is, Alec didn't have much time for me this week. I wasn't sure if he tried to avoid me to help me settle into my new surroundings or if work kept him busy. Either way, I tried not to let it bother me. He had a life long before I marched in and began changing things, which I had to remind myself every day.

Dad said he be here by six, which I knew meant be ready by five thirty, because that's when he'd arrive. I walked around the pool and out to the huge front driveway at five fifteen, in case dad decided a covert operation was the plan. Sure enough, dad and my harassed looking mum, who would've ordered him not to turn up early, drove up soon after.

"Sorry, hon." Mum jumped out of the car to tell me before pulling me into a hug.

"That's okay, I know his habits." I replied as I returned her hug.

"I must say this place is an improvement on your apartment." Mum waved an arm around seeming impressed.

"I'm not living in there," I pointed to Alec's home where I'd never entered. "He has a guest house that I'm staying in at the back of this place." I explained as dad stepped from the car.

"You're not living together?" Dad's brow raised.

"No, Sir, as I've told you all week, I only moved when my neighbour started acting bizarre."

"I see."

"Come and I'll show you."

I walked straight to the side gate and my parents followed. Unlocking the gate, I ushered them through while wondering when Alec would arrive. Most nights this week he didn't get home until after midnight. No, of course I wasn't looking for him, well, maybe a tiny bit, but he didn't need to know that.

I continued around the pool with mum showing her delighted surprise with her commentary. Dad gave me a nod, which was an encouraging sign. I had told him so often this week that Alec and I weren't living, let alone sleeping together, but he had to see the truth.

"Come on in." I waved my parents through my front sliding glass door.

"Oh, I like this place." Mum grinned.

"I'm becoming attached to it as well." I admitted.

"You're a long way from the city, how are you getting to work when I know there's no public transport?" Dad looked at me and I bit my lip.

My dad always knew when anybody lied, he had this inbuilt lie detector and it caught me out every time. The thing I hated was the disappointment he always showed when he caught me lying. I took a deep breath and decided to go with the truth.

"Alec set aside a car for me to use. I leave it at his work and ride my bike from there." Okay, so it's a semi truth that I hoped dad wouldn't see through.

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