Chapter 13 - Movement continues

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Chapter 13 – Movement continues

I stood inside the doors of my new 'home' with a gobsmacked expression on my face. Flipped glared at me before heading straight to Alec's couch. She cocked her head to the side and lifted a paw.

"Don't you dare," I told her but that made her appear more determined. "Flipper, if you touch that couch with your claws there will be no treats for a month."

I swear she did a cat version of flipping me off with her paw, which is where her name came from. My cat didn't like her world to change, and this one had come more sudden than either of us expected.

"Flipper." Alec's voice entered and that little harlot lowered her paw and assumed an innocent expression, complete with purr.

"Why does she listen to you?"

"It's my irresistible charm, Gracie Lee, I can woo any female." Alec's smug grin made me roll my eyes.

"You get to yell at her if she so much as puts a claw into your couch."

"Has she ever tried before?"

"Yes, and she didn't like my yelling," I snapped my fingers and Flipper inched away from the couch. "Are you going to tell me how you organised a delivery team on a Sunday?"

"Nope, but I'm glad you can settle in without too much hassle."

When we arrived back from our run yesterday, and yes, in a taxi, I had enough energy to pack all of the things I didn't want Alec to see. After that, Alec ordered some food while I showered. I had enjoyed eating together, but I crashed into bed afterwards, while Alec insisted on taking the couch.

Waking this morning to see his sleepy, smiling face had started my day off great. When a removal van appeared after breakfast, I scurried to pack everything we hadn't done the previous day. Never had I felt more grateful for my lack of stuff than today. Everything fit into the truck and we were off to my new home with one disgruntled cat in no time.

Standing here now with the late afternoon sun beaming down on the pool I could see from my doorway, everything seemed surreal. Yesterday, I had a naked idiot uninvited in my house, and today I lived in a ritzy house in one of the richest suburbs in our city. What a crazy weekend I had, but I wouldn't take any of it back.

I picked Flipper up and stared around my new lounge room. Alec insisted that I use the flat screen television that I had noticed yesterday. He hadn't removed any of the furniture, but worked mine around with his, and somehow it meshed well.

"What a crazy weekend." I repeated my thoughts to my cat as I scratched under her chin and she purred.

"Sorry about that, but I couldn't leave you near that maniac Ben." Alec shook his head as he organised boxes into their appropriate rooms.

"He turned odd way too fast." I admitted with a shudder.

"My guess is he's been acting dodgy for a while but you never noticed."

"Yeah, I guess he was." I mused.

With the last piece of furniture placed and the final box in the right room, I relaxed. Sure there was a lot of unpacking left to do, but that could wait until later.

"Thanks for looking after us." I said with a smile at Alec.

"Not a problem, Gracie."

I took a step towards him with a flirty smile, but retreated when I heard voices coming closer to the front door. One glance at Alec confirmed he hadn't expected anyone. His frown turned to anger in a second, and I wondered who it could be to cause that reaction.

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