Chapter 11 - Running from or to?

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Chapter 11 – Running from or to?

I stared at the packed boxes scattered around my bedroom floor, and that's the moment the reality of this situation struck me. I intended to move across town with Alec, who I didn't know that well.

"Don't freak out, Gracie Lee." Alec's fingers ran down my back in a soothing caress.

"I'm trying not to." I promised but all the while my hands shook as I considered everything.

With my eyes closed, I tried to ignore the commotion inside me. That only drew my focus to a noise I didn't recognise. I snapped my eyes open and strode to my kitchen where we hadn't began to pack.

Pulling up the blind, I made a gagging noise at what I saw. Ben sat on the same sun lounge as before, only this time the woman from earlier pleasured his naked body. Ben saw me and waved a hand as if for me to join them, so I yanked the blind back down.

I raced to my phone and called our strict, but sticky beak gossip, my other next door neighbour, Martha. She also overlooked the gardens so she would see everything I saw. She had little tolerance for some things and I hoped Ben having sex in the gardens was one of them.

"Grace, did Ben make you a nice lunch?" Martha asked when she answered.

"Hi, Martha, you need to look out your kitchen window to see Ben's true colours." I replied before hanging up the phone. I heard the shrieking through my walls and grinned to myself.

"Benjamin, how disrespectful! How could you do that in the garden where I planted my precious peonies." Martha shouted.

I peeked out the window to see Ben trying to shove the woman off him as Martha continued chiding his behaviour. He saw me looking and I smirked at him.

"I would suggest putting your damn clothes on and stop flashing that unimpressive penis around." I called before chortling to myself.

"Shit, is he naked outside now?" Alec came up behind me.

"Yes,  how have you missed what's going on out here?"

"I might have stumbled on something you didn't want me to see and became a might distracted." Alec's voice thrummed and my heart rate skyrocketed when I recalled leaving him in my bedroom.

"Tell me you did not go through the left side of my wardrobe." I turned on him while trying to stem my growing mortification

"Damn it, Gracie Lee, but how many naughty dress up costumes do you own?" Alec backed me up to the kitchen bench.

"I, uh, like variety?" my voice squeaked as my cheeks flooded with heat.

"I noticed." He couldn't keep the thread of desire from his wry voice.

"You should never go through a girls wardrobe, let alone her private things." I accused.

"Sorry, but hell, I'm not fucking sorry at all."

His lips descended on mine and the heat from that kiss stole my breath. As with earlier in the day, Alec picked me up and placed me on the kitchen bench.

"What is your fascination with my kitchen bench?" I asked with a breathless sigh when I drew away from his numbing kisses.

"It's the right height." He muttered as he tugged my hair from its ponytail.

"For what?"

He didn't answer but he pressed his body into mine and that told me everything I needed to know. Alec wanted me, and who was I to deny such need? Of course I wrapped my legs around those lean hips of his to pull him closer to me.

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