Chapter 9 - Unexpected nudity

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Chapter 9 – Unexpected nudity

Alec drove me back home once he'd dropped Mack to his uptown apartment. He'd gone quiet on me and the silence stifled my normal energetic need to fill the air with noise.

"I never expected you, Gracie Lee, and I should've realised that my friends would react this way." Alec sounded thoughtful as he steered his truck through the traffic.

"Okay." I had no clue what else to say. Was he telling me something good or bad?

"I'm not giving up on there being an us."


"What did you think..."

My phone began to ring so I raised a finger to interrupt him. I looked at the caller and my day grew brighter. I hadn't heard from my best friend, Jarred, for a while so I answered the video call to see his smiling face.

"Drivel!" I called into the phone and he grinned back at me.

"Hello, Droll."

"What's happening?"

"You were supposed to call me last night."

"Oh, damn, I forgot, sorry." I winced as I recalled my night.

"What's happening with you?"

"Ben stole Bernard." I started with the easiest to explain.

"I told you he was a creeper last time I visited." Jarred huffed.

"You're not the only one voicing a complaint about him." I sighed.

"Oh, do tell." Jarred's excitement ratcheted higher.

"Why don't you tell me about your life?"

"Hell, no, yours sounds much juicier."

"Ben stole Grace's bike from outside my office." Alec added and I frowned in his direction.

"You didn't get a boyfriend and not tell me, right?" Jarred pouted.

"Okay, back up a minute." I turned my phone to show Alec to Jarred.

"Fizzle spits! How did you get such a hottie?"

"Jarred, meet Alec, and Alec this is my annoying best friend, Jarred."

"Good morning, Alec." Jarred purred.

"Oh, my God, I can't tell you anything, Jarred." I complained and he laughed.

"I gather you're driving somewhere, so do you want to ring me later?"

"When's your next flight?"

"I've got a few days, so ring me whenever." Jarred waved.

"Alright, talk soon." I grinned at him.

"And I want to know everything about Mr Hottie Alec."

"I'm hanging up now." I pressed the end call to find Alec staring at me.

"That's my friend Jarred. We've been friends since high school and there's nothing between us. I had a crush on him way back when until I realised that he'd never find me attractive, because I didn't have a penis." I babbled out an explanation feeling idiotic.

"He's gay?"


"Okay, I thought you had a boyfriend for a minute there." He scowled.

"No, I don't. I'm not the kind of person who goes kissing a guy when she's attracted to someone else." I crossed my arms.

"I never said you were, Gracie."

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