Samantha huffed in annoyance. "That no-good rotten piece of--"

"Hey!" Remus cut in and gave her a look. "I knew it was going to get out sooner or later."

"But you can't leave!" Harry cried. "You're the best teacher we've ever had!"

"Yeah," Samantha added. "You're the one who got me through my OWLs!"

Remus smiled gratefully at the two Potters. "I appreciate that," He then turned to Samantha. "I don't know if you know this but I'm also the one who told Professor Ogden about your ability to produce a Patronus charm."

Samantha's eyes widened and she stared at her Godfather with admiration. "You--you did that?"

He nodded. "Of course. What kind of Godfather would I be if I didn't show off my Goddaughter?"

Harry stepped forward. "Goddaughter?"

Samantha nodded. "Yes, Harry. Remus is my Godfather."

Harry smiled. He really was gaining back his family.

Remus then closed one of his trunks and picked up something from his desk. It was an old piece of parchment and that brought a smile to Samantha's face. "Here," he said to Harry and handed him the parchment. "I am no longer your teacher so I don't feel guilty giving this back to you. I know you'll take advantage of it."

With a wave of his wand, everything else packed into boxes and Remus picked up his suitcase. Then there was a knock at the door.

It was Professor Dumbledore.

"Your carriage is here, Remus."

Remus nodded. "Thank you, Albus," He walked in front of the two and Samantha quickly hugged him. "Don't worry, I'll be around." He hugged Harry next and then gave Dumbledore a kind handshake.

"I'll be in touch soon, Remus, regarding this situation," Dumbledore spoke.

Remus smiled and then left his office. Dumbledore turned to the two Potters and pressed his hands together. "I have sent for Cornelius Fudge. I would like the two of you present when he arrives. Then I'll call in Sirius and we can go from there," Dumbledore explained.

The two nodded and while they were leaving the office Dumbledore looked at Samantha. "I didn't know you knew how to use Patronuses for communication, Samantha."

She smiled sheepishly. "Aberforth taught me. He never liked using the stairs so he would send his Goat Patronus with a message."

Dumbledore grinned in amusement. "Aberforth was always the most sedentary in the family."

Samantha laughed and they found themselves back at Dumbledore's office along with McGonagall, Snape, and a tied up Peter Pettigrew. It took everything Samantha had not to go at Snape for what he did to Remus but she just gave him an obvious phony smile instead. They sat down and not too long later, the flames in the fireplace erupted into a bright green.

Replacing them, was Cornelius Fudge, sporting a dark navy suit and matching robes. He greeted Dumbledore and then almost fell back at the sight of Peter Pettigrew.

"I--what? What is this, Albus?"

"Peter Pettigrew is alive, Cornelius. And Sirius Black is innocent."

The Older Potter // HP Older SisterWhere stories live. Discover now