Chapter Fifteen - 'Did I Become Prettier?'

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"You're just going to leave me hanging?" I called after him, running down the stairs to catch up to his long strides.

Then it happens.

I catch him. But the problem is how. I had managed to trip over my own feet before I caught the hem of his shirt and my face slams into his hard back. As if he's reacting from reflex, he yelps in surprise, falling back onto the wall for support. Meanwhile, I begin to tumble down the stairs like a sack of potatoes.

The embarrassment hurt more than the pain.

Apart from my groaning, I hear collective gasps and shrieks approaching from behind.
Also, faint laughter. Reece.

"I think I'm broken." I groaned. My cushion had been the shoe rack which had welcomed me at the end of the stairs.

Tyler, Kimmy and Ash rush to my aid, lifting my tangled limbs off the floor and supporting my weight.

"Did I become prettier?" I weakly muster a grin at Tyler. I don't taste blood, so that's a good thing. I've got all my teeth.

Tyler grimaced, stifling an awkward laugh. "Yes, so much prettier."

Kimmy and Ash are gaping at me, their silent concern warms my heart. I reach up to touch my cheek with my left hand, had I cried without knowing it? Tears? Or sweat? My retreated hand pulls away smudges of blood. "Oh wow." I laugh, unsure how to react. "Ty, have I lost an eye?"

Kimmy pulls out a handkerchief from her dress pocket at begins to gently dab at my face. People still carry handkerchiefs? "It's not your eye." She and Tyler both answer. Tyler moves me to lean against the wall before dashing off into the hallway to grab a towel.

I turn to Kimmy and hold out the bright bandaid I'd brought for her. It takes her a second to process what I'm doing before she begins laughing. "Olive, I think you'll need it more than me."

I try to mirror her smile but my face hurts. Maybe I'm not even smiling, maybe I've made myself scowl instead. "Good point." I laugh, the cut at her knee had already dried up.

"But you'll need bigger ones. You have bigger bandages right? Tell me where they are and I'll get them." she said firmly, handing me the bloodied handkerchief.

I tell her where they are and she begins to make her way upstairs, brushing past an amused Reece who can only stare.  

I glare at him, heat rushing to my ears and I begin to lecture him for laughing when I fell. "I can't believe you-"

"-pushed her." Ash suddenly interjected, his tone ice cold. He was glaring at Reece too, but for a whole different reason. I'd almost forgotten Ash was here, his presence had disappeared momentarily before he opened his mouth.

I freeze. Wait what did he just say?

Reece is quick to react, his face contorting into mild surprise. An odd reaction to such a serious accusation, and Ash looks dead serious.

"T-that's not-" I'm cut short when I see that in the blink of an eye, Ash had grabbed a fistful of his brother's collar. It had happened so fast.

And Reece, despite the situation, looks annoyingly calm. I want to scream at him to deny the accusation, but I'm unable to make any words come out. I feel warm blood trickling down my forehead until I see a blur of red and close my eyes at the sting of my left eye. This isn't good, I've got blood in my eye.

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