Chapter 12

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The thud of Camila punching the wall shook Lauren to her core as she stood, watching blood now drip even faster from the smaller girl's fist.

'Damn it all!' Lauren's common sense suddenly snapped into place, overruling fear and urging her to move when the brunette lifted her arm again.

'Camz! Stop it!' She cried out, stumbling over the papers and random items strewn about on the floor to wrap her arms around Camila's waist, pulling her away from the wall. She flailed weakly in her arms, throwing her fists around in a flurry of anger.

'Fucking let me go Lauren!' Camila demanded, pushing as hard as she possibly could against the green eyed girl's hold.

'You can't hurt yourself like this Camz!' Lauren called back, gripping hard around her waist as the shorter girl managed to spin in her arms, now directing her anger at her.

'I said let me go!' The brunette shouted loudly, trying to bring her clenched fists down against Lauren's back. Although the younger girl was doing her best to get her to let go, her attempts were weak and Lauren managed to pull her down onto the floor.

'Talk to me!' Lauren pleaded to her as she struggled and convulsed in her grip. Camila screamed.

Despite her parents being downstairs and on the other side of the house, Lauren was surprised that they hadn't heard anything yet.

'Please!' Camila begs, exhaustion evident in every fiber of her being as she lifted her right fist again. Lauren quickly brought one arm back around to grab hold of the girl's wrist, preventing her from moving it.

'Camila.' Her eyes that were previously squeezed shut flew open at Lauren's use of her actual name. She stopped struggling for a second, and Lauren used this opportunity to pull her hand between them. 'Look. Look at what you're doing.' Lauren pleaded again, and stared at Camila as her brown eyes remained fixed on her bloodied fist.

'Lauren, just stop.' The girl tried again, still unable to stop shaking.

'No!' She decided, and opened her mouth to start lecturing Camila. 'No, you just stop. You can't do thi-' Lauren was interrupted by a noise at the door, her head snapping around to see that someone had tried to open it. But Camila's door had been locked.

'Mila? ...Lauren? What's going on in there?' A worried voice that resembled Camila's mother's sounded from outside the bedroom. Suddenly the brunette shook her head violently from side to side.

'Please.' Camila begged weakly, her mood shifting instantaneously from angry to upset after hearing her mother.

'Why is the door locked? Hello?!' Camila's mother sounded a lot more distressed now.

'Uh-' Lauren went to speak up, but quickly cleared her throat when her voice was shot, and continued her attempt at conversation. 'Camz is okay, she's just upset.'

'Okay... Can I come in?'

'NO!' Camila shouted out before Lauren could say anything. 'I mean, please. I'm just tired, ma.' She added quickly, her voice cracking.

'Alright.' Her speech sounded hesitant. 'Just...Lauren? Take care of her please?'

'Don't worry, I will.' She promised, knowing she would do everything in her power to help Camila. After hearing footsteps lead away from the door, the black haired girl turned back and frowned.

'Camz.' The smaller girl now had tears forming in her eyes. 'Can I trust you with your hand if I give it back?' Lauren asked softly when she realized her grip was dangerously tight around Camila's wrist. Instead of answering with words, she only nodded slowly and Lauren reluctantly let go.

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