Chapter 5

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As Lauren squeezed her eyes shut tightly in response to the sunlight filtering through the window, all she felt was warmth pressed into her side. Her whole left arm was numb and she tried moving it, but couldn't feel anything. When he eyes fluttered open, she spotted the culprit of her dead arm.

Camila's head was snuggled tightly into her chest, her arms and legs draped over and around Lauren's body. Her soft snores filled the room as she slept soundly. The smaller girl's face was relaxed and her features would occasionally twitch here and there. The sight brought a smile to Lauren's face and despite her arm being dead, she was comfortable and happy.

Slowly moving her head, careful to not wake Camila just yet, Lauren brought her eyes up to the clock on the wall.



It was a school day and they both needed to be there. She thought for a moment, thinking of the possible outcomes of both leaving Camila, or waking Camila. If Lauren woke her, they would both make it to school on time and neither would get in trouble. Sounded okay, but that means she would have to wake her up from a sleep that she might not get again for a while.

Other option; leaving Camila to sleep. If she did that, Lauren isn't sure of when she would wake up. She would wake up alone and possibly disorientated. And even then, Camila would be mad at Lauren for letting her miss school like that.

Third option? Lauren could go back to sleep and continue to rest carelessly with Camila snuggled into her side like there wasn't a worry in the world. Sadly, not an option.

Tempting as it may seem, they couldn't ignore real life. They both had to go to school. So as painful as the decision was, Lauren made up her mind to try and wake Camila and see how it went.

She turned her head to watch the smaller girl sleep peacefully for another five minutes before reaching her hand to rest it gently on her shoulder. There was nothing she'd done or nothing she could ever do in her life to make her regret something more than she would regret doing this right now.

'Camila?' Lauren tried softly. At first there was no response.

'Camz?' She shook her a little this time. Still no response. Lauren reached her hand up to press the back of her hand against her forehead. She hadn't noticed til now, but Camila was burning up and sweating a lot.

'Camzzzzzzzz, you gotta get up.' Lauren pushed a little harder this time. Thankfully, this time she was greeted with groans of protest from the girl pressed her.

'Mnngh.... Lolo....' Camila's arms swiped around feverishly, trying to push away Lauren's hand. Tired brown eyes slowly opened to look up at her face. 'Oh...hey.' The brunette smiled weakly.

'Good morning sleepy head.' Lauren chuckled. 'How are you feeling?' Camila grumbled in response, lifting her hand to her head and placing it over her forehead. She didn't seem to be in any rush to get up.

'I feel like I just got hit by a truck, honestly.' The younger girl breathed out, scrunching her nose up at the idea of having to get up.

'You sure look like it.' Lauren snickered at her own words, which earned her a glare from Camila. 'You know we gotta go to school, right?' She asked, but was only met with a nod. After a minute of awkward stretching and yawning, Camila gently rolled off of Lauren, and despite enjoying being able to have something keeping her warm all night, Lauren silently thanked the gods above that her arm hadn't fallen off. She carefully lifted it, stretching it back and forth to try and return some of the feeling to it. Lauren sat up and swung her legs off of the side of the bed, before standing up and stretching to reach up to the ceiling. She let out a huge yawn before turning to see that Camila was facing the wall.

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