Chapter 6

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Camila was wide awake all through the class I had with her just now.'

Lauren moved backwards a little on her bed so she was leaning against the wall. She couldn't help but glance over at her phone again. She had been anxious all afternoon after giving Camila her phone number when she had dropped her off after school. Lauren gave the younger girl her number so they could talk about how she went and just in case they needed anything.


Lauren smiled at Camila as they sat in her car, parked outside the latter's house. She reciprocated the gesture as the black haired girl pulled a small piece of paper with pen scribbled onto it and held it out her.

'Camz, this is my number. Take this and be sure to text me about how you go. Or at least say hi or something, okay?' Lauren laughed, watching the brunette take the paper from her hand and put it into her own pocket. Camila nodded and waved to her, before pulling her bag onto her back. She stepped out of the car, only turning to look back into green eyes once more.

'Thank you Lauren.' Camila whispered.


She forced her eyes from her phone, trying to forget about it, but ultimately failed. Instead, Lauren tried focusing on her thoughts and letting her mind wander. Although Camila didn't leave her head, she stopped worrying about whether she was going to message her or not and instead thought back to what Ally and Dinah had discussed with her at lunch earlier today.

That was a crazy idea. There wasn't any way that Lauren was helping Camila sleep.

Was there?


'No, that's silly. Are you sure? She didn't even look tired?' Lauren responded with a question, albeit whispering. Ally shook her head.

'Now look, it hasn't even been five minutes since you sat there and look at the little dork. Sawing logs on your shoulder. C'mon.' Dinah added softly. The shorter girl looked to Camila and then back to Lauren again.

'You haven't noticed anything that might reinforce our idea?' Ally inquired, tilting her head slightly. Lauren thought hard for a moment about today and the day before. A small blush spread across her cheeks as she remembered carrying Camila to her car yesterday afternoon.

'Uhm... Yesterday in the nurse's office, after Camz woke up, I carried her to my car...' Lauren started before shooting a glare in Dinah's direction when she 'ooh'ed. 'She was pretty disorientated and a little bit dizzy, so I offered to help her out.' She continued. 'But almost instantly after I picked her up, Camz was asleep again. I'm sure it's just because she was so tired though...' Lauren added the last bit quickly.

'My god Lauren you are SO whipped already.' Dinah chuckled.

'Leave me alone.' The black haired girl sighed loudly.

'Ah HAH! You didn't deny it.' Lauren rolled her eyes when Dinah winked at her. Ally giggled at the bickering and teasing before beaming over at Lauren again.

'We're not saying that's how it is, but we just wanted to let you know that you're helping and it's a good start. I want you to help her however you can and you being around is doing a lot more than you think right now, Lauren.' She felt warm at Ally's words as Dinah added to the thought.

'Honestly I'm just glad to see my chancho sleeping for once...' Lauren watched Camila as she slept peacefully on her shoulder.

'Me too.'


Lauren was pulled from her thoughts and jumped so high she could have sworn she hit the ceiling when her phone rang out with a loud ding. Reaching out to grab it from her bedside table, she saw there was a new text from an unknown number. She took no time in unlocking her phone, and smiled when she saw the message.

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