Chapter 2

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Lauren had tried smiling at the different students in the room, hoping to leave a good first impression on the other people in the classroom. Most of the other students would avert their gaze, until the green eyed girl saw someone looking at her from the second row. Her eyes darted over, and she made eye contact with the small girl partially hunched over her desk, leaning on her elbows. This girl had wavy brown hair that fell past her shoulders and on her chest, and was staring right back, apparently intrigued by her new and exciting presence. When Lauren got a glimpse into her eyes, she noticed a soft, beautiful brown that seemingly hid secrets behind the tiny grin that was barely evident on her face. The girl that looking at her was very cute, so Lauren wasn't surprised at the grin that slowly snuck onto her lips. She was surprised, however, when the brunette she smiled at turned away almost immediately. Raising an eyebrow at the girls actions, Lauren decided to swiftly scan the rest of the room to find that the only empty, noting that the only empty seat was next to the girl she was looking at seconds ago. This made her smile again, interested in seeing where sitting next to her would get them.

For some reason, Lauren was finding herself already wanting to see the girl's face again, after she had turned away half a minute ago. It hadn't been very long at all, but she was intrigued by the look in her eyes. It gave Lauren the feeling of curiousness deep in her stomach that she had never felt before. It was kind of exciting. She turned once more, to steal a quick glance at the teacher who was wrapping up her introduction for Lauren. She didn't dare look at the teacher for too long, part of her feared that the brunette in the second row might look back at her while she wasn't looking. When her eyes laid back a top the head of the girl already stuck in hers, the teacher finished up.

'Everyone, please make sure you make her feel welcome, not only to our class, but our school.' The teacher, who told Lauren her name was Ms Smith, finished introducing the new girl to the class. 'Meet Lauren Jauregui.'

Lauren noticed the brown haired girl had quickly looked back up, her alert eyes darting straight to her own, as if she was making sure she learned her name. Lauren had no qualms about looking back into the chocolate brown that met her gaze, feeling almost content with doing so. Lauren almost groaned internally, realizing she had to look away to turn to the teacher next to her as she was speaking to her directly. So she gave the intriguing girl a lopsided grin, and forced her eyes off her, instead looking to Ms Smith.

'Lauren,' she started with a warm tone evident in her voice, 'It seems like there's only one seat left, so why don't you go take a seat next to Camila?'


Lauren smiled at the name, and nodded at the teacher, trying to hide her excitement towards meeting this girl. She briskly turned and started towards the empty seat in the second row. Using a little bit of self-restraint, she didn't look up at the girl until she had arrived at the empty seat. Lauren could feel eyes on her, but she ignored them and regardless, her worries seemed to melt away when she had raised her gaze to notice a small, but tender and warm smile aimed at her from Camila.

'Hi, nice to meet you.' The black haired girl started, trying not to smile too wide. 'I'm Lauren, you're Camila, right?' She queried, using a softer tone. Instead of using words, Camila nodded gently, patting the seat next to her. She got the message and quickly shifted, placing her bag on the ground next to her new desk and taking a seat. Now closer to the small girl, Lauren took the chance to get a better look at her face.

She looked up into her eyes, seemingly lost even further into the mysterious chocolate brown that she was met with. However, because she was right in front of the Camila, Lauren noticed prominent dark circles under her eyes. Her eyelids seem to droop a little bit and she blinked slowly. She was biting slowly at her bottom lip, and Lauren wondered if it was because she was nervous for some reason. Lauren concluded that whatever the reason be, the other girl was definitely tired. That much was obvious from her initial appearance.

Insomniac [Camren]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum