Chapter 10

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Lauren let out an exasperated sigh as she lowered herself down to sit at the table, joining Ally, Dinah and Camila who were already eating their lunches. She brought a hand up to hold the side of her head as another pain sent small shivers down her spine.

'What's gotten into you Lauren? Are you okay?' Ally inquired gently with soft eyes, looking at her from across the table. Camila looked up and noticed Lauren's position, scooting closer to pat her back when she could tell something was up.

'Headache.' She rambled out in response, trying not to talk to much. After hearing a quiet 'aw' from Camila, she felt arms wrap around her and was squeezed lightly.

'Poor Lolo...' The brunette holding her whispered cautiously, not too loud and mindful of Lauren's headache. 'You don't have to take me to my appointment if you're not feeling up to it.' She reassured the black haired girl, patting her back again softly.

'No, I'll be okay by then. It's all good, I promise.' Lauren shook her head too quickly, but tried not to show how much it had hurt her. Camila frowned and tilted her head, inspecting her face closely.

'Okay, as long as you're sure...'

'I am.' Lauren blurted out straight after the brunette finished speaking. Dinah decided this was a good time to speak up and add to the discussion.

'Hope it gets better soon. Also, Lauren, if you're taking Mila to her doctor's appointment, you should just stay the night since it's Friday. Don't you think?' The polynesian girl suggested, crossing her arms. Camila clapped quietly and nodded in agreement.

'Cheechee's right Lolo, you should.' She agreed with a smile, before adding swiftly at the end after a blush. 'I mean if you want. I don't know, we could play some fun board games or something...' Despite her splitting headache, Lauren couldn't help but grin at Camila getting flustered so easily.

'Sounds like a great idea, if you'll have me.'

'Ya, of course, I wouldn't say no to you and my parents think you're great, Lolo.' The brunette chuckled before releasing Lauren from her grip to turn back to her sandwich.

'Wow, you already got that parent approval Lo?' Dinah scoffed, before reaching back for her bag and shuffling around for a second and turning back. Lauren raised an eyebrow confusedly.

'China, what are you talking about?' Camila questioned before she could, giving Dinah a look.

'CAMREN!' The taller girl yelled out a lot louder than Lauren would have liked, before ripping a sailor's cap from somewhere inside of her bag and pulling it snug over her head. 'All aboard assholes.'

'Dinah, shut the fuck up.' Lauren mumbled at both Dinah's yelling out and the shitty ship name.

'Camren?' Camila looked confused as she stared at the sailor's cap now atop Dinah's head.

'It's you and Lauren, duh. My ship, I'm the captain; so hop the fuck on.' Suddenly, the brunette rolled her eyes and turned back to Lauren.

'Wow, can you believe this loser?' Camila whispered to Lauren, referring to Dinah. Lauren shrugged. She turned back and crossed her arms. 'How long have you been carrying that hat around waiting for the right time to use it?' Ally piped up from the side, unable to help herself when laughing at the taller girl's antics. Dinah gave an innocent look, which quickly changed to sighing when Camila gave her a glare.

'Yeah, it's been about a week.' Lauren had tuned out of the rest of the conversation, silently willing for her headache to go away before the afternoon approached so she could take Camila to her appointment.

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