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I looked at myself in the mirror, my gray layered chiffon dress, hung down to my mid thigh. I sighed, do I have to look like such a child, can't I have a filled out woman's body like Katie, so mature, and confident. I feel like I need to cover my too thin body. I sighed and made sure my hair was just the way I wanted it, long and brown, in loose curls hanging off my shoulders. I sighed, and plopped on my bed, putting on my sandals. I chose this dress from the store Shelly and I went to because its something that I would normally wear. I guess I wasn't thinking everything through, Katie was going to think I was so immature. How could I even show up in this.

Shelly yelled from the bathroom, "Hey, Sam, the boys are on their way there, are you ready?" I grabbed my clutch purse and stood up. We told Matt and Connor to meet us there and to dress nice. I just prayed Connor told Matt what to wear, he had horrible taste.

"Yeah, I'm ready." Shelly walked into the room fixing her earring. She looked stunning with curves, and bug bust in a small black cocktail dress. My jaw almost dropped open, why couldn't I have a body like hers? I wrapped my arms around my waist.

"You look beautiful, Sam." She leaned her head to the side and smiled, "You're so stunning all the time," She knew I felt insecure, she grabbed my hands and put them on my sides, "You need confidence, honey." She fixed the fly-aways in my hair, then cupped my face. "Maybe Matt will notice what he's missing out on and he'll treat you like a princess."

I rolled my eyes, "Unlikely." We walked out the door, headed for the hugest party we'll probably ever attend.

We pulled up the driveway, it curved up the cliff side, giving you a spectacular view of the subset on the ocean. It shimmered and twinkled like something from a movie, it was too perfect. I grabbed Shelly's arm to get her attention, "Have you ever seen anything like it? Could you imagine waking up to this view every day, and then going to sleep to it at night?" I sighed happily, and just watched until we stopped in front of the house. My heart froze, as I gazed upon my childhood dream. I gasped at the beauty of it, the enormity, and grace of this mansion that I've ever so longed to see. Shelly came to open the door for me, and she helped me out.

"Sam, i think you just fell in love," she giggled, "Keep your composure. Remember confidence, and maturity."

She let my arm go, and Connor came to greet her by the door Matt was nowhere to be found. I walked in to see the white granite tile shine from the over hanging chandeliers. My mouth hung open, and i took in all the this magnificence. It was so open with windows to get all the view of the ocean. Shelly and Connor had run off to explore, they left me alone, I looked around to see all the gorgeous people, their elegant dresses, the wine being drank so elegantly. This was not a place i would fit in well, but tonight i was going to make it mine.


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